Friday, February 23, 2018

Frugal Friday

We finally made it to Friday! The kids have been out of school this week, so it's been a different schedule than usual. Here are a few frugal things we accomplished over the past week:

  • Took the boys skiing (definitely not frugal) but bought the tickets online ahead of time, saving $52. Also packed breakfast, drinks & snacks for the day. Rented vs buying ski gear for the kids, as we weren't sure how they would like it. 
  • No meals out, which is especially good with the boys out of school
  • Sold a few old ski items for $23 on our local Facebook swap & made $8 on a sale through eBay. As usual, put the money directly towards our unfunded 2018 goals. 
  • Traded childcare with friends, arranged for mostly free activities, and needed just one day of camp. This resulted in a $400+ savings. 
  • I've pretty much sold all of my easily discovered eBay items (I always donate anything that doesn't sell after a few rounds of trying). Yesterday I went on a search for new items & even though I'd say that I have very little left to declutter . . . still found some winners!
That's it for us. What about you? How did you do this week? Any frugal wins?

1 comment:

  1. Saving 52 bucks on a ski trip is extremely frugal! You were paying for an experience and reduced the cost of it. That's a win in my book.
    We had an anything but frugal weeks, but it was for something so wonderful, I do not regret the expense or time at all.
