Friday, August 19, 2022

Frugal Friday

It was an incredibly busy & stressful work week, but we had a few wins. 

Saving on things we buy

  • Used a couple of store coupons for crackers (Nick's requested snacks) & Italian ices. The boys were thrilled ;-) 
  • Had to mail a package to my parents, and found a discounted shipping label option, which saved me $6. Postage is $$!

Earning money

  • Nick earned money working for his tennis coach, and also helping someone move. The boy is a hustler, and is always on the lookout for money making opportunities. 
  • Sold a makeup item & a pair of pants on eBay

Avoiding spending

  • Continued my quest to use up gift cards, and bought Sam lunch at Subway on a gift card, and used bonus rewards as well. 
  • Took advantage of: free workout classes, meals & car charging at the office

Eating what we have

  • We made a spaghetti & meatball dish, using lots of pantry & freezer items. It's always a hit, although I don't prefer it on warm days. The boys love it, so it was a winner.
  • M finished off the last of salmon, which is expensive, and doesn't last long. Glad none went to waste.
  • We continued to use garden items (peppers, tomatoes, etc)
  • A neighbor gave us a beautiful bag of Japanese eggplant, which we enjoyed

For others

  • Kept in touch with my mentee, who was relocated from Afghanistan. She was approved for her nursing class, which she is very excited about. It was quite a process, and not her initial plan (she was on track to be a doctor, but isn't able to, given the relocation). I'm thrilled for her that she's "unstuck" from the bureaucracy that she's been in for months. 
  • Helped a friend with a lot of driving, while her husband was traveling. 
What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. I was so overwhelmed with the fruit from the pantry. But I will find ways to use it up. Plus we ate chili for three days.

    1. It's hard when food unexpectedly comes to you. It's a gift, but often requires a lot of work & effort. I love it when I'm free, and treat it as a challenge. It's less fun when I'm super busy.

  2. I too am happy for your mentee. We need more medical personnel. Your boys both work hard for their wants.

    1. I didn't link, because I know most people don't have a subscription, but this article is about the program I'm mentoring through.

      It's pretty incredible.

  3. No major win, but I thought I would need to spend hundreds of dollars on an detail, but I think we'll be able to do it ourselves.

  4. Kudos on the discounted shipping. Mailing things can definitely eat into your budget.

  5. I have Covid so I haven’t been anywhere since last night nor spent anything. This will be a win for the pocketbook I suppose and for my weight, but geez…. Lol. Cindy in the South
