Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Workout Roundup

It's taken a while to get over COVID, but I'm feeling like I'm mostly back on track. Here's how the week went.  

Workouts for the week

  • Monday - 90 minutes on the elliptical
  • Tuesday - 80 minutes on the elliptical
  • Wednesday - 20 minute walk + 60 minute spin class
  • Thursday - 70 minutes of elliptical + short walk
  • Friday - 60 minute Orange Theory class
  • Saturday - 70 minutes of elliptical
  • Sunday - 2 hours of elliptical

Eating - I was certainly more buttoned up than on my vacation, but there is more work to do to eliminate snacking. 

Lowlights - my workouts were less varied than usual, for two reasons. 1) my knee is bothering me a bit more and 2) it was an absolutely crazy wild week at work & with kid driving, so I took the easy options where possible. 

Highlights - still consistently working out & getting back from COVID, with my first spin & Orange Theory classes. 

Focus for the upcoming week - diversify more workouts more, and work on eliminate snacking. 

What about you? How was your week? 


  1. Do you break up the 90 minutes or two hours? Maybe I've asked before. There's now the study saying 30 minutes of exercise a day is not enough. I need to cut more in.

    1. I read the same study. I was doing three 30 minute walks a day, at a moderate pace.

    2. For me personally, 30 minutes doesn't cut it (although, I'd love it if it did!) I'm typically working out in one of two ways: 1) in the am, reading, or watching a movie 2) during a training or long large group meeting at work (the kind that is not camera on). Whenever possible, I don't break it up, because consistently keeping your heart rate high burns more calories, vs starting & stopping again.

  2. Like you, I had COVID, and am starting to get back to working out. Also, moving threw me off my health routine.

    1. I'm terrible about getting back into a routine, once I'm out. Hope you are back on track!

    2. I'm getting there. I've been working on the stretching and light cardio.

  3. Kudos to you for working out so much. That’s great. When we go swimming I try and last for a couple of hours. I can definitely tell when we get back home how much easier it is to get around.

    1. Awesome job on the swimming. Isn't it nice when you can feel that it makes a difference in your energy level & day to day activities?
