Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals for the week - kicking off January!

I like to kick start the new year with a big list of goals, since my motivation is typically higher. ;-) Here's what I'd like to get done this week:

  1. Get in 5 workouts, of all three types (cardio, strength & stretching)!
  2. Plan my half marathon & get a training plan.
  3. Email a friend for lunch.
  4. Figure out our vacation plans for the year. I'd hoped to do this yesterday, but we may need to cancel all of our vacations so that M can fly to Dubai to visit his father. He's ill & can't travel. That trip will wipe out our travel fund for the year. 
  5. Inventory the freezer for next week's meals & shopping list. 
  6. Cancel a subscription service that was once, very long ago, a gift for my dad. I hadn't intended to pay for the subscription (it was a one time gift), but long story short, I've been paying $200/year for the past seven years. Anyway, the device attached to the subscription finally died, so I get to cancel! :-)
  7. Call the realtor & get next steps together to list our vacation house!
  8. Average 1450 (or lower) calories for the week.

Woohoo - here's to a great first month of 2014!

What are you hoping to tackle this week or month? What's on your short list of "must dos"?

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