Monday, September 5, 2016

Late night update - did I get anything done today?

In fact, I did. It was a pretty productive day! We also had two unexpected play dates (one for each kid), which was a bit of a distraction, but we managed.

  1. Figure out schedule for the week. It's going to be a late one for me, given no work on Monday. Because I deal with Asia, and they are offline by my Friday, I had to consolidate all of my standard meetings into three days. Toss in that it's our yearly performance review time, and it's going to be a CRAZY week.
  2. Build carpool schedule for the week.
  3. Email nanny with all schedule details.
  4. Build workout schedule for the week.
  5. Make hummus
  6. Make bread
  7. Go for a run - went for a walk instead! 
  8. Complete a strength workout
  9. Call my parents
  10. Finish up smoothie fruit. I bought $10 worth of fruit at the produce stand and flash froze most of it. I need to get the rest of it in the freezer. Much cheaper than buying previously frozen fruit. 
  11. Clean the freezer! Didn't get to it yesterday, and it's full, but I have no idea what's in there. I need to update my itemized list.
  12. Steam a sheet & list it on Ebay. (A Pottery Barn Kids sheet that's super cute & we never used, because my son will only sleep with a fitted sheet).
  13. Start working on schedule for my LONG business trip. :-(
  14. Carve out some time for reading my book, in the sunshine. 
If only all of the days could be like this. ;-) How about you? How was your day?


  1. I never have a day when I get everything knocked off the list. Congratulations!

  2. Ha, almost! It was a rare moment, hence my update. Who knew? I think it was almost possible because of the 3 day weekend - I was able to spread the tasks out among 3 days rather than 2, and because we had no soccer. Victory!
