Saturday, January 11, 2025

Grocery store spending

 I'm trying to keep a close eye on our grocery spending, while ensuring we eat well. For this Costco trip, I managed to stick entirely to our list, with one exception. The spring rolls were on sale for $6.99 for a large box. We keep them on hand for dinners where we need something else to round out the meal (e.g. we have a small amount of grilled chicken, but no other sides). 

Here's what we bought/spent:

  • Salmon - $15.48
  • English Cucumbers - $6.99
  • Mini cucumbers - $6.99 (Nick's top request)
  • Carrots - $5.99
  • Broccoli - $5.99
  • Cauliflower - $6.99 - expensive! I need to look for a cheaper source. It's M's top request.
  • Spinach - $4.49
  • Tomatoes - $7.49
  • Pineapple - $3.99
  • Bananas - $2.49
  • Romaine lettuce - $4.99
  • Apples - $8.99
  • Pears - $9.99 
  • Veggie spring rolls - $6.99
  • Onions - $5.49
Total = $103.34

We weren't out of any dairy or meat this week, and (mostly) stayed on track with the prepared food. So, overall this was a good trip, despite the overall cost of items Those pears are killing me!


  1. For Costco, that's a very good shop. I have a Sam's club and even with my small household, I overdo it whenever I stop

    1. I felt pretty pleased as well with the spending. I'd love to pay less for things, but if I'm going to be buying groceries, I'm happy it's a lot of healthy stuff. (HP)

  2. Try growing your own cauliflower. I used to grow it when Youngest lived at home as it was his fav. Just be sure to cover the head with it's leaves so it stays white. 8-)

    1. We have never had success with cauliflower! M has tried a bunch of times. Maybe we should experiment with different varieties. (HP)

  3. Now that is a really great shop at Costco. One reason I gave up our membership was because I always seemed to spend way more than I had planned.

    God bless.

    1. I can definitely imagine that. M & I had Costco before we had kids, but purchased things much more sparingly there, as we couldn't get through the quantities before they spoiled. We'll have to re-evaluate next year. (HP)

  4. All that food is very healthy! Well done! Cindy in the South

    1. I did feel good about everything we purchased. We keep a lot of produce on hand. M eats salad with every meal, and Nick & I eat our fair share of produce as well. (HP)

  5. This produce is expensive. Even whole food is not that expensive.

    1. Costco is quite a bit cheaper than Whole Foods in our area. I didn't list out sizes, but the Costco quantities are quite large. There is sometimes a single item on the list that's cheaper than our local store or Whole Foods, but for the full list, Costco is cheaper. (HP)
