Saturday, August 5, 2017

Weekend check in

I am enjoying a little peace & quiet this weekend. And, by that, I mean that I have a weekend free of travel & house guests, and I'm making the most of the time by trying to get prepared for the start of school & soccer again. Plus, a very busy travel season for work looms for the rest of the year. (Three planned one week international trips for me, and two for M by the end of the year. Groan).

Here was my original to do list yesterday, with progress noted.

  1. 4 pace walks (training for my event). Two need to be long, and one short but fast. The other is somewhere in the middle.
  2. Two strength training workouts - One done. 
  3. One stretching workout (likely yoga)
  4. Clean the fridge - started on this, but ran out of steam. Also, forgot that I also need to clean the outside fridge, so need to add that as well. 
  5. Make 6 dozen muffins - Two dozen done. 
  6. Clean & organize both freezers
  7. Pick up a copy of our utility bill (we're having trouble with school registration due to the move, & they need a crazy amount of paperwork)
  8. Go to my office & print a bank statement (because, of course our printer is out of ink!)
  9. Pick up ant spray, and try to eradicate the little beasts. - Done, and looks promising. 
  10. Go to Trader Joes for frozen edamame. A healthy & filling easy snack. - Done. 
  11. Inventory the school supplies to determine what we need to buy, vs can supply from home. - Done. 
  12. Organize my filing tray.
  13. Call our insurance company to determine the savings in paying our auto policy all at once (vs monthly) - Done, and realized that I could cancel our rental property insurance, and we saved $108 on the remainder of the policy! Woohoo!
  14. Make a menu - Done. 
  15. Get all paperwork prepped for a school registration visit on Monday.
  16. Return a dress
  17. Check everyone in for flights
  18. Clean the house
  19. Organize the boys closets
  20. Wash all sheets/make beds
  21. Go to Costco
  22. Go to Rite Aid - Done.
  23. And, the produce stand
  24. Text a friend to understand when Sam is supposed to be at middle school, as we haven't received any information due to the registration "challenges" - Done. 
  25. Organize the pantry
  26. Water all of the plants - Done, 1 of 3 days. 
  27. Sweep the patio - Done, 1 of 3 days. 

I worked yesterday as well, so although this isn't quite as much as I'd hoped, I feel good about my progress. I also had the bonus task this morning of making protein balls for the freezer. I tried a new recipe, so I'll report back on how they went over. We keep these in the freezer for a quick pre-soccer snack for the boys. I need to start stocking the fridge & freezer for my hungry, growing boys! 

They are currently with my parents this week, and so far they've been on 6 mountain bike rides (including one 16 miler at Mt. Hood), & they've hiked at Mt. St. Helen's, and had a scavenger hunt in down town Portland. Love my parents. They are absolutely amazing, and I can't imagine my life without them. They arrive tomorrow, bringing back the boys, and will stay for a week. It's the last week of summer, and there are no camps available. The boys plans for the week include: non-stop pool parties (Nick's request), practicing biking to middle school with my Dad, going to Target with my mom to get school supplies, lunches out, and having friends over. They are thrilled. As a special thank you to my parents for all of their help being amazing this summer, I've written a thank you note from all of us, and have $1,000 set aside for them. They don't have much money, and are retired, and love to spend what they have on the boys, so it really makes me feel good to be able to help them out a bit. 

That's it for me! Wishing you a productive weekend. What's on your to do list? I need to get outside before it's too hot for my pace walk. 


  1. Your parents probably find it an absolute joy to get to spend time with your boys and you. Obviously they do or they wouldn't be so helpful. I think you make lists like my husband, far more than is physically possible in the time allotted(that isn't an insult, he is a type A and I think you might be too, a mover and shaker?)

  2. I need to get on my to d list, but I have been lazy with a long walk with pup, a leisurely breakfast and coffee, a Target run, and blogging. Well, I a on laundry load two,so not total waste of energy. I've got a visit with Sluggy on Sunday and as much as I write about my poor house keeping skills, I don't want to advertise it in the real world. Enjoy your little ones home coming.
