Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday Happenings

 Yesterday was an intense day. Lots & lots of drama & uncertainty at work, combined with very stressful current events. It was the boys school homecoming game (they separate the dance from the game) & provided extra security & police presence due to the current situation & some threats received. We had quite a debate as to whether the teens should attend, but in the end, Nick opted to go & Sam opted to come home. We had a very lively dinner discussion & he was a pleasure to chat with.

I was really stressed out yesterday, so opted to do two hours of yard work before I made dinner. It helped so much. It was a visible improvement, physical work, & got me out of my head thinking about things well outside of my control. The weather was also gorgeous. We don't have yard service, and do a cleaning service very irregularly (occasionally when I travel), so there's always plenty to do around the house. 

We tried out two Trader Joes risottos last night - one was the standard asparagus version, and for M I made the cauliflower rice risotto with butternut squash. It was nice to have both options. I served them with garlic butter shrimp as the protein. Sam eats almost everything, other than shrimp, blue cheese & mushrooms, so he had a hot dog on the side, which didn't really go with the theme, but served as a protein. 

As for today, here's what I'm going to be up to:

  • Attend a workout class
  • Help Sam with the Common App (college applications)
  • Laundry
  • Pack for Hawaii
  • Make banana bread
  • Vacuum
  • Both boys have soccer games
  • Clean bathrooms
  • Work in the yard
  • Organize the freezer 
What about you? What are you up to today? What's your go to distraction activity when you are stressed?


  1. I have a college friend who moved to Israel soon after college with her husband(and they now have 2 kids). I've been worrying about her and her family. I know there is stress for many people with family and friends in the Middle East. 8-(

    1. So much stress. Sending good thoughts to your college friend. Many of our neighbors are from Israel, as they have quite a presence in tech, so lots of people in the bay area, at the kids school, at our work, etc. We have a good sized office in Tel Aviv as well. I can't imagine how stressful it is for folks all around dealing with the constant worry and anxiety. I'm seeing it second hand & feeling super anxious.

  2. I pray every night since this has started for an end and a true peace being called. This is so scary.

    God bless.

    1. I know, it's an awful situation & you just feel helpless.

  3. It's been such a tough week. I'm glad your son could enjoy his homecoming dance safely. My heart has been so heavy about it all. Sounds like you've had a trying week as well. It's good that you can get out of your head with your activities. My mom always got busy in the kitchen when she was stressed. I do a lot of cleaning when I am. I was able to get outside and enjoy a festival today in our hometown, and it was a gorgeous day. I needed it!

    1. I found the yard work really therapeutic, as well as having conversations with the kids. Sam is really interested in historical context, and it pushes you to think of the objective history of situations, vs just the current event lens.

      And, I'm with your mom! I'm about to get up & make some banana bread, and maybe applesauce muffins today.

  4. Our hearts definitely go out to those in Israel and Gaza this week. The situation at school sounds stressful surrounding the homecoming, sadly. I’m glad the boys are safe and sound. The cauliflower rice from Trader Joe’s sounds delicious. I’ll have to look for it the next time I’m in there.

    1. It's been a really stressful situation, with lots of emotions on all sides, even amongst people who really mean well. When you are hurting, it's more difficult to be balanced of course.

      The cauliflower risotto was delicious. Definitely recommend trying it. We go to Trader Joes once every few weeks, and stock up on a few easy meal options, and then rotate them in as we'd like. It's nice to have them on hand.

  5. My heart is beyond heavy. I can only read headlines at this point, as anything affecting children sends me quickly over the edge.

    My go-to place of serenity is the ocean. We've recently relocated to a home that is just a mile from the beach, and the almost-daily walks we've been doing there-and-back are as much for my mental as my physical state. We also have a spot in the new yard where we can sit under palm trees and hear the wind rustling the leaves. And all on adjacent HOA property, not ours, so all the enjoyment and none of the work.

    Thinking of you and yours.

    - Tamara R
