Friday, May 3, 2024

Frugal Friday

I was with my mom for most of the week, and we were taking advantage of the free hotel I was able to book for four nights. 

Saving on things we buy

  • I used a $2 Catalina coupon at the store, and downloaded a digital coupon for my purchase. I picked up 6 pounds of apples, a bagged salad & four packages of pasta for $17, which was a decent deal, I suppose. I also earned $2 in grocery store rewards from some sort of instant win promotion the store is running. 
  • Went to the store to pick up two Friday freebies, one of which was a box of chamomile tea (I typically have this every evening in the fall/winter, so it will definitely be used) & the other was the Gatorade zero hydration tablets. Nick or I will use these. I also earned another $.75 in store rewards. 
  • I picked up a few other things at the store, and earned $6 in Fetch points, and another $3.75 in grocery store rewards. 
  • For meals on our trip, we've tried to keep things pretty reasonable. For lunches, one day we split a Chipotle burrito bowl, another day we picked up sandwiches at Safeway, and the last full day we ate some meat, cheese & crackers we brought with us. 
  • My mom also brought two bottles of wine in her bag, which allowed us to relax on our patio ahead of dinners out, and save some money that way as well.
  • M & I had overlapping flights, so he parked the car at the airport & I took the spare key when I left for my trip. I picked up the car shortly after he left, when my flight arrived. Altogether, a few minutes of planning saved us about $40 between a couple of ride shares, minus the parking. 

Earning money

  • I received my severance offer (not payout, as I think that can take upwards of six weeks) from my employer, and it was much more generous than expected.

Avoiding spending

  • Neither my mom or I eat breakfast, but we've been walking to a coffee shop each morning & getting coffee ahead of our hikes. 

Eating what we have

  • Ate lots & lots of leftovers ahead of my trip. Sam ate everything I didn't eat, so the fridge was basically empty before M's trip to the store. 
  • Because of the lack of leftovers, I really scrounged for a lunch one day, and used two heels of bread, the last can of tuna from the pantry & made a tuna melt. It was great. 
  • Sam mentioned he'd be home for dinner one night on the weekend, so I thought it would be a good time to try & use up some of those lingering fish sticks no one seems to want. I made those + spring rolls (also from the freezer) & then of course, his plans changed. Leaving just me with the fish sticks. Karma, I suppose. ;-) 

For others

  • Helped hikers avoid a snafu we had, which was a looped trail that finished in one parking lot, but not the other two. As a result, our hike was *MUCH* longer than expected, but we finished & were just about out of water when we got to the car. I always pack twice as much as we need. 
What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. No breakfast! I know lots of people who fast from dinner until lunch, but I would rather skip lunch than breakfast. Of course, on the rare occasions when I do skip lunch, I usually have a massive sinking spell around 4 pm which I treat with peanut butter, banana, and a glass of milk.
    I'm sure that I do have some frugal wins to share, but I admit it's hard to remember a week's worth which brings me to the point of my comment/question. Do you keep a running tally of everything you want to report in your posts? You include so many details which I'm sure your other readers appreciate as much as I!

  2. My previous comment may have gone missing in cyberspace. If so, I'll rewrite. Thanks!

  3. Love tuna melts, and I have actually finally managed to get Harvey to like them as well.

    Win wise I managed to use things up or substitute items, which is great.

    God bless.
