Wednesday, May 22, 2024

What am I up to Wednesday?

 I've been running errands for the first half of the week, and still have a few things to accomplish. But, my list is shrinking, which is nice to see. 

I've also been eating lunch by the pool, which is always so fabulous on a sunny day. Photo of my view during lunch.

Without further ado, here's my plan for the day:

  • Workout class
  • Daily chores (journal, meditate, Farsi lesson)
  • Yard work
  • List 2 items on Ebay
  • List a few more things on Buy Nothing
  • Get fingerprinted (volunteer opportunity)
  • Clean the kitchen & bathrooms
  • Vacuum
  • Wipe down the fridge
  • Figure out our plan for the long weekend

That's it from my side. What about you? Any fun plans for the long weekend?


  1. Now that is a very lovely view.

    God bless.

  2. That would be such a lunch hour view. If it didn't mean leaving family, I think I'd look to relocate to where I could have a pool at least 1/2 or more. It's just too impractical here. Enjoy!
