Monday, May 27, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 It's the home stretch of the wild times at school, with senior finals, senior awards, & the tennis banquet. Next week is graduation!

Here's what's on our menu for the week.

  • Friday - wings & pot stickers
  • Saturday - tacos
  • Sunday - grilled chicken salads
  • Monday - hot dogs & mozzarella/nectarine/basil salad
  • Tuesday - leftover tacos
  • Wednesday - leftover hot dogs
  • Thursday - eating at the tennis banquet
  • Friday - pizza? I'd love to try one of the grilled pizza recipes, but let's be honest, this week is probably not the week for that.
What about you? What's on your menu plan for the week?


  1. When "they" say :The Days are long but the years are short, "they" are not kidding. Have a great graduation week!

  2. I'm tightening my spending to start my new month (I use the 27th as it aligns with bills) so really being intentional about using up what we have. That'll be meals with reminding pork roast, ham, cheese, and rice. We might eat more fruit than vegetables this week.

    1. We've done so well on groceries, but are really tipping up as we enter the second half of the year. The boys eat a LOT of berries & fresh fruit, which I think explains at least part of the increase. Apples & pears are boring, but summer fruit is delicious. (HP)

  3. Nectarine and basil salad sounds very interesting.

    God bless.

    1. It's so delicious with the fresh mozzarella. You can use either peaches or nectarines, but they have to be ripe. We had it tonight & it was fantastic. We top ours with olive oil, salt & pepper to taste. My husband likes balsamic on his, but I prefer it without. The flavors are wonderful together. (HP)
