Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The long weekend recap

Overall, it was a fantastic weekend. I can say that it definitely makes life easier when you don't have to go back to work on Tuesday, with all of that work having built up while you were out. 

A few things we did:

  • The boys went to prom on Saturday! I loved seeing them in their suits (Sam in M's suit & shoes, Nick in the new suit I bought him, as he's too skinny for M's clothes) & getting pictures. It was a wild day, as they had very different plans (one was eating out ahead of prom, one after, one had to leave by 2, one was leaving at 6), so we had everyone get ready & take photos, and then they could each set their own schedule for leaving. I worried about the boys driving home late, so I was up from 11-1, but everyone got home safely & had a great time.
  • M & I went on a day trip to Santa Rosa on Sunday, and found a great restaurant. We had a wine flight, some little shared plates, & I had dessert. Eating dessert for lunch, or really, ever is pretty rare for me, but I couldn't resist the warm flour chocolate cake with peanut butter mousse & vanilla ice cream. Decadent & fabulous.
  • Nick worked at a soccer tournament for most of Sunday, earning money. And, volunteered for his tennis program. He's completed more than 150 hours of tennis volunteering this year & does an absolutely incredible amount for the program. He's so busy.
  • Sam was home for dinner & we chatted about prom & his evening with friends, and why girls wear uncomfortable high heeled shoes. ;-) 
  • Everyone did chores yesterday, while I tried a 90 minute workout class (vs my normal 60 minutes). It was definitely hard! After that, both boys washed their cars, there was a bit of corn hole, the teens went on a search for Pokemon together, I packaged up a couple of eBay sales & listed some things on FB market place.
  • M grilled hot dogs & I made the mozzarella, peach & basil salad that we love. We chatted & caught up. Nick called my dad, which is his usual Sunday activity. They are very close. Everyone checked in on homework, Nick met up with a group to work on a shared project. And studied for the SATs. Sam checked in on potential college roommate assignments. 
  • I did a lot of laundry!
All told, we feel so blessed whenever we have time with the teens. We are trying to soak it in, as we know it's coming quickly to an end. 

What were you up to this weekend?


  1. Snuck out of the house and drove to the hospital. Was there from 4:30 a.m. Sunday until 6:30 p.m., while youngest had an appendectomy. DD spent a good bit of time waiting with us, as did ne of youngest's friends, which is very sweet, considering the hospital is 30 minutes away. I think DD cane to avoid and be ae to report back and alleviate the fretting by those at home. Monday saw me making a Key Lime pie, oven baking boneless beef ribs, (our acting Grillmaster was recuperating) and that's about it. The food was good,, but I didn't even set a table...we were all EXHAUSTED

    1. Meg, hope that the surgery went well, and the recovery is a good as can be expected. I had an emergency appendectomy that got infected & had to be re-opened twice. Once in the ER without any pain meds. I have an enormous scar. We were actually camping on San Juan island when the infection happened, and had a terrible time getting back to the hospital.

      Hope everyone gets plenty of rest! (HP)

    2. Oh my goodness, Meg. I hope he's recuperating and you all can rest.

  2. Aww! I love prom season! Love seeing all the dresses and pics. My son never wanted to go to them, but I loved seeing pics of his classmates. Glad the boys had a great time! Hope Sam gets a great roommate. Will any of his senior classmates be going to his college?

    1. He didn't go last year, so this was also the first year I could really enjoy it, but I also love all of the pictures! Since he's going out of state, he doesn't know anyone from his school. Plenty of folks from the bay area (according the site where we're supposed to look for roommates), but so far, he doesn't know anyone. (HP)

  3. Painting and getting the trellis finished so I could plant the kiwi vine.

    God bless.

  4. I am so happy the kids had a great time at prom! The rest of your weekend sounded fabulous also, especially chocolate cake and ice cream! Now I may go try to make my version of it…. lol Cindy in the South

  5. I bet they were so handsome dressed up!

  6. I love the fact that you love dessert.
