Monday, October 28, 2024

I'm back

Costa Rica was absolutely fabulous. We had such a great time together, and really enjoyed all of the adventures. 

Photo of a sunset hike we took near our hotel.

We got back late on Friday, and my parents & uncle were staying with us for a few nights. My dad & uncle drove a car to Washington, so left yesterday, with a stop to see Sam at college. My mom will stay with us until Wednesday, as she was looking for a bit of a break from some care giving at home. She's been enjoying the time, hanging out with me, M & Nick. 

In terms of a menu plan, we've been flying by the seat of our pants. M grilled chicken & made rice on Saturday, and then grilled absolutely delicious burgers yesterday. I think we will defrost chicken fajitas to have for dinner tonight, and then have leftover burgers tomorrow. 

Hope you are all doing well!

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