Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Menu Plan Tuesday

 I flew back from Portland yesterday, so I'm a little late to the party. Here's what's on the menu at our house.

  • Friday - I ate at the airport lounge, and then had a glass of wine when I got to my sister's house
  • Saturday - my sister's partner made us Mexican chicken rice skillet, which was delicious.
  • Sunday - we celebrated our 10k run with nachos, which I try to only have on special occasions, because they are a true indulgence. These were delicious, with carne asada on top. Yum!
  • Monday - I got home from the airport & scrambled a bit to figure out dinner. M grilled salmon & I made a spinach salad to go with it.
  • Tuesday - tonight will be grilled chicken over salads
  • Wednesday - likely pasta & meatballs, if Nick is going to be home. It's his favorite.
  • Thursday - I'm making chicken fajitas, after we pick up my parents at the airport
  • Friday - tacos, so we can use up the rest of the chicken fajita fixings

What about you? What's on your menu this week? 


  1. Sunday was a slow cooker pork, ,cooked with apple cider, onions and sauerkraut, which was served over mashed potatoes. There wasn’t a green vegetable in sight. Monday was going to be a roast chicken dinner, but late in Sunday, my neighbor asked if I wanted to pick her daughter up at school on Monday and “hang out.” We ate out. No idea what the troops at home had. The roast dinner is moved to tonight. I am sure chicken pot pie will make an appearance at one point as well. I had a request for Swedish meatballs, which is easy enough. I also had a kid ask for apple cabbage
    soup. Not my favorite, but it’s simple to make. Besides, if I get requests, I am inclined to honor them because I am so tired of meal planning. In my head, I keep hearing a refrain from a verse in one of our favorite children’s books “Bread and Jam for Frances,” (what I am/is tired of jam) only I switch it up to “what I am/is tired of making the plan.”

    1. I'm assuming this is MegB, because you always have an awesome menu plan. :-) I am so over menu planning lately. Having no more Sam at the table has really thrown me off my game, because Sam & I were the two who ate everything, thus meals were planned around us, with customizations for the other two diners. Now I have two diners who eat largely polar opposites from each other. And, myself. I think it will get easier when Nick is in college, as M & I tend to be more casual about meal planning. It's also just hard to predict when Nick is going to be home, as he's typically either 1) studying or 2) at soccer practice. (HP)
