Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Happenings

I've had lots of medical appointments over the past few weeks, so that's been keeping me busier than usual. I'm having a lupus flare, and trying to figure out the best way to manage that. It's no fun, I do not recommend. 

That said, I have a bunch of fun things lined up for the upcoming few weeks, including my trip to Portland tomorrow (running, or more likely walking + a little running a 10k with my sister & BFF). I'll also get a chance to see my parents for brunch. My parents are flying here in a week, and then we're heading to Costa Rica. The weather looks pretty terrible for our trip, and we've gone back & forth between going & just enjoying what we can between rain storms, or going somewhere else. I think we've decided to just make the best of Costa Rica. 

The final college application has opened up (this is the complicated international one, that has to be hand mailed in), so Nick & I need to get started on that, as it will take the longest. That will be it! Otherwise, he has scholarship essays to work on, and a few other small tasks, but nothing quite like the bigger application process, which he will have finished. We will both be thrilled once we're done. ;-)

As for today:

  • Attend workout class
  • Stop by Trader Joes on my way home
  • Laundry
  • PT exercises
  • Check in for tomorrow's flight
  • Pack
  • Daily chores (language, meditate, journal)
  • Work in the yard (I'm especially loving this, as the weather has cooled way off)
  • Clean the shower. We have very hard water, so this is my most dreaded chore of all.
  • Call with Nick's orthodontist. I don't really understand what it's for, but it's required ahead of kicking off treatment.
  • Work on job search stuff for ~1 hour
That's it on my side. Hope all of you in Florida are staying safe & escaped the storm(s) with minimal damage. Thinking of you all. 


  1. I've been to Costa Rica in Oct and while still loads of fun, it can be really wet so be prepared! Can you stick to the coast though Arenal and the cloud forest are worth seeing. Such a spectacular country, have a great time!
    - BC girl

    1. We are supposed to be on the "dry" side, but who knows. We're definitely prepared for rain, but I need to figure out my jacket situation, as it will also be hot. Packing for the trip is at the top of my list for next week! We're only going to be there just under a week, so we are planning on doing a few things outside of the resort, and enjoying the resort activities for the remainder of the time. (HP)
