Sunday, January 22, 2017

This is what you can get for under $10

at the produce stand, in winter, in California.

  • 8 giant roma tomatoes (.79/lb) - $2.50
  • 2 bunches of radishes (.59/each) - $1.58
  • 1 enormous head of Romaine lettuce - $1.29
  • Just under 3 pounds of Persian cucumber ($1.49/lb) - $4.29
Grand total = $9.26. The place we go is jammed with people, boxes, fruit, flies, & the prices are fabulous. You can find some great deals in there, but have to keep your eye on the freshness of each item. It's a primarily local shop, but does have more exotic fruit from other places (papaya, mango, pineapple, etc from Hawaii).

Do you have a year round produce stand year you? What's currently available? At our house, the cucumber will be gone in a few days. They are Nick's favorite snack. The radishes, tomatoes & lettuce will supplement existing salad ingredients (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower & English cucumber). 


  1. Our year-round farmers' markets here are one of the top three reasons we love living in Hawai'i! Being able to get reasonably priced, fresh, locally grown produce every week is wonderful.

    1. Totally agree - Hawaii has some amazing, locally grown produce!

  2. Our farm market is open from May to October. I skipped buying any tomatoes today as the cheapest was $2.29 a pound. I did buy a cucumber for $2.49, long english. I did manage to buy broccoli and cauliflower on sale this week so hopefully it will even out my produce buying.

    1. When we were in Seattle, many of the English cucumbers we bought were from your area, so that makes sense they are "semi reasonably" priced. I believe there is a large greenhouse farm that grows them near the border?

      Fruit is now insanely expensive, so I'm trying to get people to supplement more with our yard options (three kinds of oranges). Having mixed success.

  3. This is why I crave fresh veg all year-we just get so little quality in what is fresh. I can't wait for roadside stands, right form the Farmer, but we generally don't see them until mid June at the earliest.

  4. Great buys for you!
    There is a local farmer's market that is open year round but the pickings are extremely slim right now for local produce. Mainly greens and root vegetables are the only thing growing right now. I can find produce there from non local sources as well.

  5. We don't have too much, but a small one has a hydroponics lettuces that are fabulous! I live in beef land, but I enjoy it while I can. There is one guy that sells fruit trees, and we are planning to get some this spring! $35 for a 30 gallon tree. AMAZING!

  6. Those are good prices. Food is expensive where I live because it is a small town. For the exact same items, it would be between $16-18. I typically spend around $25 per week for just salad ingredients.
