Friday, June 14, 2024

Frugal Friday

 Nothing too exciting happening on the frugal front this week, but there are always a few ways to save, if you are looking for options. 

Saving on things we buy

  • Used a $20 grocery store reward to stock up on packed lunches for the boys. Sam started work this week, and Nick starts next week. 
  • Sam is filling in on our relay team in August, as someone had to drop out. I previously booked my flight using miles (as part of the large travel shuffle a month or so back), but with two people, it was less expensive to use my companion fare. I still had one leftover from our previous credit card. I booked the two of us (using Alaska wallet credits, so no out of pocket spending) & had the miles returned to my account from my original ticket for just myself. 
  • I'm going on a hiking trip with a friend in September, and Delta is the best airline option. It's one of the only ones where I don't have credits or enough miles for a ticket, of course. However, I asked M, and he happens to have Delta miles from a few work trips. Transferring the miles comes with a ridiculous cost, so he booked the flight directly for me in his account, making the base ticket free. I then went in & used my very small amount of miles (3,000 from an unknown trip) to upgrade to "comfort plus" one way (and, more importantly, hopefully I won't have to check my bag if I can board earlier). Then, I went & purchased comfort plus on the second leg, for $31. So, full cost of the flight was $31. 

Earning money

  • Sold a Lego set & a watch on eBay, and made $130.

Avoiding spending

  • Picked up curbside lemons from Buy Nothing.

Eating what we have

  • Packed lunches for Sam this week. Bonus, used the Friday Freebie electrolytes in his water bottle, as he was outside running around in the sun all day this week. 
  • I met a friend for lunch one day, and had leftovers of lunch the second day.
  • We continued to use up lots of garden items in our meals (basil, mint, garlic scapes, lettuce & jalapenos). Can't wait for the tomatoes to ripen!
  • We've been eating through the leftovers from my parents visit, and there was very little cooking required this week. Hurrah!

For others

  • Nothing too exciting. A lot of the usual: gave stuff away on Buy Nothing (always love when I can fulfill an "ISO" ask), collecting grocery carts, & a little volunteering. 
  • I was matched with my first high school senior, for the college counseling volunteer role. Very excited to kick that off. 
What about you? Any wins to share?

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