Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday Things

I met up with a couple of friends this week (lunch with an old coworker & a hike with an old friend who I haven't seen in forever). It was really lovely to see them both. I also had a doctor's appointment on Monday. I am starting to get a feel for what type of week I prefer, and I do prefer to have outings spread out a bit more than I did this week. Next week, for example, I have none of the above on the calendar (although we leave for Portland on Friday), but I'm also trying to work around the schedules of everyone else, as they are much busier than I am. It's so funny to discover new preferences for yourself, when you have time to evaluate what you like a bit more. I'm always learning a little more!

A random list of things, in no particular order:

  • I've sold two higher value items on eBay this week. Yay!
  • I got matched up with my first student for my college counseling volunteer project. Very excited to kick off our year long mentorship together.
  • Nick & I have been making slow but steady process on the college application process. He plans to apply to quite a few colleges that require additional essays (vs the Common App, which shares essays, reducing the work). Nick's least favorite subject is English/Lit, so he's incredibly unenthusiastic about this. ;-) I'm helping by asking open ended questions on things like, "which experience have you learned the most from? Who inspires you? What's been the hardest thing you've ever done? Why have you selected your major?" Anyway, we're both realizing how much time it all takes. 
  • We've been eating a ton of leftovers this week, and I'm grateful to have them on hand, post our house guests. Less cooking for me! It has also meant that I have time to make caprese salad as a side, using up lots of garden basil. Can't wait until the tomatoes are ripe.
  • I desperately need to clean the house today. In my dream world, I assumed that once I wasn't working, house cleaning would be much less irritating. It's true that I don't have to squeeze it in & race through it in whatever small time window I could carve out. But, I still don't enjoy it! 
Share your random things with us!


  1. Oh do I ever join you in the housework drudgery. I would love to be able to justify having help to clean the house.
    I have found I love having some days during the week that are totally unplanned. It is not that I don't love going places and seeing people, but I don't need it every day.

    1. I also can't justify it, and am always a little skeptical of the job anyone else does (which, is just judgey, because they do it better than me, but perhaps not "perfectly", which really, who can?). So, I'll continue to do it, and really "enjoy" it. ;-)

      I'm with you - I love a mix of days, some planned, some unplanned & definitely some with no fixed activities. Other than the gym. I find that to be fine, because unless I'm meeting a friend, it's largely a solo activity. (HP)

  2. Oh my housework ye shall always have with you.

    1. Ha, yes. My constant "friend", housework. ;-) (HP)
