Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mountain biking, golfing, & the broken finger

Sam fractured his finger at camp yesterday, and after a trip to urgent care & an x-ray, now has a rather large splint. I'm grateful it was a relatively minor injury, but the timing is terrible. We're leaving on Friday for his graduation party, followed by a week of mountain biking & golfing. Both of which are.... not really possible with a broken finger. Poor kid. 

He's back at work today, and Nick & I are back working on college applications, followed by a dentist appointment (for Nick, he's overjoyed). I have my first call with the student I'll be mentoring through the college application process.

I also need to do the chores I didn't get to yesterday (at urgent care) & start a packing list for this weekend. 


  1. So sorry to hear about Sam's broken finger. No fun!

    1. No fun, & just terrible timing! (HP)

  2. Dang. He will figure out how to do both awkwardly.

    1. He's back to work, but you can't brake on a mountain bike with the splint on, and braking is a pretty important part! He might be able to figure out golfing. (HP)

  3. Poor heart! Hoping there are some great activities he can do and I am sure his party will bring up his spirits immensely.

    1. The timing sucks, but luckily he's a health kid & will figure something out! Maybe I should convince him now is the time to train for our relay. ;-) (HP)

  4. So sorry to hear ☹️

  5. Oh no! Poor Sam! I hope it mends quickly for him.

    1. Thanks! He's seeing the doctor for a check up in 10 days or so, and hopefully things will look good. (HP)

  6. Well, that is crummy timing! I don’t know if this will help, but someone told me once that Tragedy + Time eventually equals Comedy, so that’s what I’ll wish for you all . . . a future family story eventually told with laughs.

    Tamara R

    1. I like that! And yes, the timing sucks. But, hopefully it heals quickly & he's back in business soon. (HP)
