Sunday, June 2, 2024

May Goals Recap

Towards the end of the month, May was flying by at warp speed! Here's how I did with my goals


  • Sort out cash flow & remaining 2024 budget, post severance numbers - I've received my severance, and while it's taking quite a few days to clear a bank transfer, I'm very close to having everything put away in the correct accounts. We have the boys college funded, and are saving some additional funds for a potential bathroom remodel.
  • Earn $300 in side hustle - $337, thanks to selling our patio set, and a bunch of smaller items. 
  • Pantry/freezer challenge: use up fish sticks, pureed bananas & the rest of a bag of cranberries - I used some of the fish sticks, and 1/2 a bag of cranberries. 
  • Figure out how to maximize expiring travel rewards - I made good progress with one of the United credits (expiring soonest), & was able to extend the expiration of another travel voucher. 
  • Get Sam registered for orientation & finalize housing contract - done & done!
  • Help Nick with college tasks & finalize work back schedule -I've done some early planning with Nick, but the majority of this work will take place this summer, and now we're ready to go for that. 
  • AP test prep (both) & SAT prep (Nick) - all AP tests are done, & SAT for May is complete!
  • Have a great & on budget trip to Sedona with my mom - Yes!
  • Finalize the rest of our summer plans - mostly done, although we are still working on a few things.
  • Plan one fun activity with the boys - We played corn hole, and had a family chess game after dinner. 


  • 10 stretching workouts - 10/10
  • Lose 3 lbs - 1/3 lost
  • 12 strength training workouts - 17/12
  • Follow the No S diet - It was a real mixed month for the no snacking portion of this diet, and I'm looking forward to a more consistent June.
  • Run 70 miles - 79/70 miles!
  • Get together with friends - met a friend for a very early hike, and another friend for a workout & coffee
  • Practice Farsi 20 times - 26/20
  • Declutter 100 items from the house - 116/100
  • Meditate daily - mostly on track, with a ~80% success rate or so
  • Continue exploring various jobs - I'm working on some training for a volunteer role I'm pretty excited about!
  • Finish soccer volunteering project - Done!
  • Read blog on building a life without work - yes, done

What about you? How did you do on your goals for May?


  1. My May planning was perhaps overly ambitious, or I'm just not motivated, but either way, a bust. I'm not even going to bother with thinking what June needs to be. You did great with your intentionality.

  2. I am so glad you have the University housing settled for the older son bc that can be stressful. Pretty soon you will be exploring colleges with the younger one! Such an exciting time!’ Cindy in the Soutj

  3. You had a great month! Color me impressed!
