Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday things

 We flew to Portland on Friday night, and drove to my parents house. We all hung out, chatting & catching up, as it was very warm still outside, even at 10 pm. That's unusual for the pacific Northwest! It was so nice to see my nephews, my sister, my parents, & my BFF & her daughters. Always a treat.

My sister & I went for a run on Saturday morning, and Nick participated in a very long road biking race (86 miles). He hadn't been on his bike in a year, so I think he had some regrets about 1) not opting for the shorter version of that race and 2) not doing any training of any kind. He also got pretty sunburned, which has been uncomfortable. 

The big party was on Saturday, and I got to see lots of other friends & family, which was lovely. M handled the grilling & margarita making. I helped with party set up, getting food ready, & the clean up. So lucky to have such wonderful family & friends. Everyone brought delicious dishes, & there was plenty of great food. Sam got lots of wonderful gifts as well.

On Sunday, I skipped a workout for the first time in months, as I'm trying to let my hip rest a bit. It's already feeling better. Sam did end up going on a mountain bike ride, but Nick was pretty much passed out on the sofa, and was *very* saddle sore from biking that distance without any preparation... he's an overly confident teen, so these life lessons are valuable.

We left for the airport, but the party continued at my parents house. The boys will stay until Sunday, and will head to Bend for another family party & lots of biking. Let's hope Nick is recovered by then. ;-) 

M & I are home alone, which always feels strange, but particularly this year, as we know it's a sign of what's to come for us...in a little over a year, we will be empty nesters! 

Here's what I'm up to today:

  • Daily chores (meditate, journal, Farsi lesson)
  • Work in the yard + water plants
  • Make muffins for M
  • Edit some of Nick's college essays
  • Work on a class action settlement (so. much. paperwork.)
  • Charge & load my Kindle for the weekend
  • Find a date for my nephew to come & visit
  • Pack 
  • Sort out requirements for Sam's orientation trip for college at the end of July
  • Call the dermatologist to make an appointment
  • Go to my workout class
  • Stretch!
That's it from my side. What about you? What are you up to today? 


  1. Back from our state party convention. Dd came with me as a guest, and attended many presentations. She didn't know her work schedule soon enough for me to buy tickets to the paid events, (open reception/lunch/gala) so I transferred my tix to those to our district chair. On arrival, however, when we picked up our credentials, she was also admitted to the reception, which was nice, because not only were the speakers great, we were starving from the drive, and the food was good. DD made a few connections, but, more importantly, became motivated to participate in the process! In any case, we made it home late Sunday evening to a house the boys had taken great care of. Yesterday, declaring I was tired of eating out, I cooked, something I generally don't do on Mondays. The rest of the week was deliberately left clear, which means I will be taking things as they come

    1. So cool that your daughter got to attend with you & become motivate to participate in the future! (HP)

  2. Sounds so fun! I went to a conference at the beach last week. It was beautiful but double red flags so I went swimming in the hotel pool, at night after my CLE I did find beach tshirts for family members for $2 a piece. Also ate crab claws from the gulf which are my favorite. . Cindy in the South

    1. Glad you had some fun at the beach, between your conference activities! (HP)

  3. Getting the yard ready for when we will be gone to Harvey's family reunion for a few days. Foraging, and cleaning. Pretty much the usual as I have a rather boring life.

    God bless.

    1. Hope the family reunion was fantastic! (HP)

  4. In a year you will be "empty nesters," so could I suggest organizing ahead for that. As of the middle of 2025, you won't need more than a two bedroom residence. So think about downsizing to live somewhere pleasant (row house, condo?) with limited maintenance demands. By downsizing you will enhance your capital and reduce your outgoings. Since the house is not their childhood home, the offspring won't feel aggrieved or sad. Don't tell me you can't do that - you made that response to my previous suggestion that you sell your vacation property. And you sold it. Roderick

    1. Yes, we are considering selling our house & it's a topic of discussion.

      I'm sure you don't intend to come across this way, but your comment really made me laugh. I'm allowed to change my mind at any time on any of our decisions, particularly those that involve our entire family, and I'm not worried about telling you about it. ;-)

      We will continue to do what's right for us, and evaluate as we age & our financial situation changes. (HP)

  5. The party sounds like it was so much fun! Poor Nick! I can’t imagine how he felt after that race! Hope you and your husband enjoyed your time this week.

    1. Oh, he did not feel good! He managed to ride 75 miles last week (over three days), but mountain bike miles are way more challenging than road miles... He seems mostly recovered, but hopefully he also learned to train more! M & I had so, so much fun on our trip together! (HP)
