Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Happenings

 We're slowly getting back into the groove of life (and, summer) now that school is out & my parents have returned home. We still have plenty going on in the months ahead, but this week is filled with Sam working (his third summer at a sports camp). 

Nick & I are working on his college list, and narrowing down the schools he would like to apply to. We're also filling out a spreadsheet with all of the application deadlines, any school specific requirements, costs, etc. We made a little progress yesterday, but it's quite an involved process. We did take a break for lunch, and I treated him to Panera (his favorite), as I had a coupon code & a gift card. That aside, Panera's prices.... oh my! Definitely expensive for what you get. Today will be lunch from home! 

As for today, my to do list is quite long, as I catch up on missed chores from last week, and try to get ahead on a few other tasks. Here's a snapshot of what I'm hoping to accomplish:

  • Daily to do's (journaling, Farsi lesson, meditation)
  • Yard work. I try to do a minimum of 20 minutes/day. I could spend hours & not make progress in our yard, but some is better than nothing!
  • Call around to find an in network PT option for my back
  • Research inexpensive (or better, free) options for yoga. 
  • Pick up a prescription. I went to a spine doctor yesterday, and he was optimistic that with a few weeks of a prescription treatment, plus PT & additional yoga, my back problems might get to the point that they stop bothering me. The problem is degenerative, so it will get worse as I age, but feels I might get some relief for a few years, at least.
  • Help Nick with the college process. I need to decide how to spend our time today. I think I'll have him work a bit on the essay prompts, while I edit his document he put together for his letters of reference. 
  • List Sam's bike for sale. We will sell his bike here, and if he would like a bike at college, we will find something inexpensive on FB market place. We don't have a way to transport his bike easily to college, and given college bike thefts, would prefer to get him something that will be less of a target for a thief. His current bike was a reimbursement from insurance, after he was hit by a car in middle school, so it's quite a nice bike. 
  • I'm meeting an old coworker for lunch.
  • Sort out our 4th of July plans.
I have a much longer list, but if I get this done, I'll be thrilled! What about you? What's on your list for the day? 


  1. I don't even want to look at my list. Kay has me on a diet!

    1. Hope you're making progress on your list! (HP)

  2. I have been using the Down Dog app since 2020, mainly for back and hip issues, love the variety of workouts available. Buy through the website as it’s cheaper and also from time to time they have discounts. I pay $35.00 Australian.


    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! I'lll check that out. (HP)

  3. My list was pretty short today and I have managed to get most done. I do need to bake bread, but will do that first thing tomorrow morning. Just too warm here right now.

    God bless.

    1. I'll be right over for the homemade bread, Jackie! (HP)

  4. Five mile beach walk, done!

    We are in the homestretch of our now 9 months remodel. Last bathroom is being tiled now, so I’m hiding out on our balcony reading (appropriately enough, per your blog post today, ‘Early Decision’ by Lacy Crawford). We’ve been gray with a marine layer for months, so as soon as the sun pops as it did just a bit ago, out I try to get outside.

    I look forward to hearing more about Nick’s college journey. Even though it was 20 years ago that we did this with our daughters, I still enjoy hearing about the process. And soon enough it will be my granddaughters turn.

    - Tamara R

    1. Your day sounds so lovely, and I hope you get some fabulous sun! It's been warm here, and I need to start remembering to do my yard work earlier in the day. Otherwise, too much sun & I hate fussing around with a lot of sunblock.

      I'm curious to see how things will go for Nick. He has a very different profile than Sam, but also wants to study mechanical engineering, which is a much more challenging major to get accepted into. We shall see! I'm glad this isn't my first one - he's benefiting from my experience with Sam. ;-)

