Friday, April 5, 2024

Frugal Friday

 A few frugal wins to report this week, but overall it's been pretty quiet. 

Saving on things we buy

  • I've had a corporate paid for phone plan for ...ever, so I needed to get on my own plan. I found a family plan that allowed me + Nick + Sam to join for $10/month less than what I was paying just for the two of them. Definitely happy to save $10/month, and not have to pay more for my service. What a deal!
  • Stopped by the store on Monday to pick up "April Fools" deals, which were loaves of the boys favorite bread for $1.99 (x2), 1 lb container of strawberries for $.99 (x2) & a cantaloupe at $1.99. All great deals!

Earning money

  •  I had a few eBay sales this week:
    • Sold clothes on eBay that Sam outgrew before he could wear (his chest has grown tremendously in the past few months, and he's also added a few inches). Made $14.
    • I also sold a running belt & reffing socks that I tried to give away on Buy Nothing, but had no takers. Made $12, so not exactly getting rich, but two items out of the house, and into the hands of people who want them. 
    • Also sold a sample makeup item, earning $9. 

Avoiding spending

  • Nothing specific, although we've done a great job of avoiding restaurants, takeout, etc. 

Eating what we have

  • Nick is currently playing club soccer & school tennis, and he has a voracious & unpredictable appetite. He missed dinner one night, and came home from school and ate six "mini" grilled cheese sandwiches. The bread was very small, so I'd say the equivalent of three normal grilled cheese sandwiches. We don't keep bread on hand very often, so he was pleased. 
  • Had a "use it up" dinner on Friday. M had chicken wings that needed to go, Nick had pizza that had been in the freezer forever, and I had a chicken patty on top of a salad that needed to be used up. I had a glass of wine from an open bottle (I'm all about using it up. ;-)), as well. It was a quick & easy dinner. 
  • Made cranberry muffins, and used orange juice lingering in the fridge, cranberries from the freezer, and the last of some sour cream/yogurt in the batch. They turned out great, and we now have muffins ready to go for quick snacks. 

For others

  • Made a donation for the tennis coach
  • Gave away a bunch on Buy Nothing
  • Picked up trash at a tennis match + returned shopping carts at the grocery store
What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. I made a batch of muffins Wednesday night using up odd fruit and oatmeal packets- what a hit, and probably cost about 15¢ a muffin. I really should resell some things, but would be happy to just get things go e.

  2. Our gas bill was a bit high, but that was because the weather was not the nicest in March (at least the beginning). We got money back on our income taxes which pays for the bit Harvey owes, the cost of the accountant and most of our property taxes.

    God bless.

  3. I Have freezer cranberries to use! Was it a recipe worth sharing?

    1. I really like this recipe, and we make it a lot.

      I skip the glaze, as M prefers it without.
