Tuesday, September 3, 2024

August Goals Recap

 August was an action packed month, and we squeezed a lot in! Here's how I did with my goals. 


  • Achieved savings goal. - We stayed even for the month, and maintained our savings. Hoping for better results in September. 
  • Confirm that M's BA miles were extended - I need to confirm. We forgot to do this
  • Sort out United credit plan - done! We're going to Spain!
  • Freezer challenge: get rid of a minimum of six items. - done. Gave away a huge package of popsicles Nick got from work, used up freezer bananas & fruit, and used up quite a few frozen meals. 


  • Have a successful back to school (last one for K-12!) for Nick - yes, it's gone smoothly
  • Help Nick with college essays/applications - we've made good progress, but the deadlines really ramp in September
  • Help Sam with college readiness, deciding what to bring for college & declutter his room - we made a lot of good progress on the decluttering front
  • Plan one fun family activity, as a reward for Nick winning the Presidential Volunteer award - yes, we squeezed in a fabulous camping trip to Big Sur, so he could try out his new camping gear


  • Finish Hood to Coast relay - nope, couldn't do it this year
  • Start PT for hip & back issues - yes, done & have been moderately consistent & noticing an improvement in my hip. Back remains basically the same. 
  • Stretch 12 times - yes
  • 12 strength workouts - yes
  • Follow the No S diet 15 days & track calories daily - I actually did half of this (track calories daily), but only 8 days of the No S diet. My daily calories were, on average, 1492. This is pretty eye opening for me, and I've been focusing on tracking  more, so I can have a better sense of how to maintain my weight as I enter menopause. 
  • Meditate 20 times - I only meditated 9 times
  • Get together with friends - coffee & hikes with friends
  • Practice Farsi/Spanish 20 times - 21 times
  • Declutter 25 items - crushed this goal in August, thanks to decluttering Sam's room
  • Continue exploring jobs - yes, lots of time spent on this
  • Spend time on volunteer role - yes, I'm now mentoring two students

What about you? How did you do with your August goals? 


  1. You did very well on your goals for the month of August. I did get the extra cleaning list ticked off, but not as much of my project/goals list completed.

    God bless.

    1. Will you have a break in September from the garden? Not sure what your growing season is like. Things have definitely slowed down on our side, although we are having another heat wave that I'm not enjoying. (HP)

  2. The only goals I had for August were to have a great road trip seeing the country. Since it did not happen and I was being petty, I decided I would have no goals at all for the month. Looking around at all I did not do I must have been successful.

    1. Sometimes it happens! So sorry the road trip didn't happen, and hoping you get a chance for a do-over soon. (HP)
