Monday, September 16, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 As I mentioned in my previous post, the teens watching the debate cleared us out of food! I suppose it's a good thing that we are entering a new week with no leftovers. ;-) 

  • Friday - I made an eclectic dinner based on what the three diners wanted. Pasta & meatballs for myself & Nick. M had no meatballs but did eat spring rolls. Everyone had salad and/or fruit.
  • Saturday - Egg roll in a bowl
  • Sunday - out to dinner at Sam's favorite restaurant, for a goodbye dinner
  • Monday - apricot chicken (freezer)
  • Tuesday - out of town for college drop off. Will eat out. 
  • Wednesday - home super late from college drop off. Will eat at the airport.
  • Thursday -  leftover egg roll in a bowl
  • Friday - leftover apricot chicken
What about you? What's on your menu this week?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds delicious. I have a turkey breast in the crockpot this morning, so we will have that for dinner tonight along with some sides.
