Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September Goals

 September is a big month for us! We are moving Sam to college (oh my, this is going to be an emotional month) & I'm heading out on a hiking trip to Moab with a friend next week. I suppose that will be a good distraction ahead of the college drop off? Nick also has a ton of school related college tasks to complete, and is generally incredibly busy with: his dual enrollment college class starting, as well as club soccer & taking 3 AP classes. Phew. It's going to be a wild ride this month!

Here are my goals in September.


  • Achieve savings goal. I'm removing the stock component, because it's highly variable, we don't control it & it is not a reflection of whether we are actually saving anything. This is making it much easier to track if we are saving money, or our savings accounts are just increasing due to stock gains. My goal is to save $2k more in September.
  • Confirm that M's BA miles were extended.
  • Freezer challenge: use a minimum of six items
  • Get car sold 
  • Update CDs that are renewing
  • List 5 items on eBay


  • Get Sam successfully moved in to college & transitioned
  • Update Sam's room (we are getting rid of some furniture, & potentially getting a bigger bed for the room)
  • Help Nick with college essays/applications & achieve all school deadlines


  • Continue PT
  • 15 strength workouts
  • Follow the No S diet 15 days & track calories daily
  • Have a successful hiking trip to Moab
  • Complete daily tasks 20 times (meditate, language lesson, journal)
  • Get together with friends
  • Declutter 25 items
  • Focus on one career path I'm interested in, and go much deeper
  • Spend time on volunteer role
  • Play pickleball 3x 

What about you? Do you have any goals for September? Fill us in!


  1. You have a lot going on this month. Parts of the month might be a little hard for you, but you will adjust fairly quickly. And it looks like you have plenty to keep you occupied the rest of the month.

    1. There are definitely going to be hard moments. I think the college drop off will be pretty emotional. "Luckily", Nick & I are very deep into the college application process, which intersects entirely with my volunteer work & lots of demand there. (HP)

  2. Something to help you with the no S diet. Sugar is poison, really. So No Sweets should be the rule for the family. New research is showing that dementia is a type of diabetes. So no sweets for me is easy once I recognized the danger. Carbs, though, my downfall :-). Also, I learned that post menopause—your body requires 25% fewer calories :-(

    1. The No S diet is actually about a few things: no snacking, no seconds & no sugar, except for weekends/special occasions. Sugar is actually the thing I struggle with the least. ;-) Snacking is much harder for me.

      I'm not yet in menopause, but have definitely noticed my metabolism slowing down over the last five years or so. What a treat! ;-) (HP)
