Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cost of Moab trip

 I always like to recap how much a trip costs, for myself & for anyone who is curious. It's a helpful exercise for me as well, when I look back on our annual travel expenses. 

Here were my expenses for Moab:

  • Travel to/from airport - got a ride from Sam on the way to the airport, and from M on the way home. No out of pocket spending. 
  • Flights - covered by miles, minus $11.20 in fees
  • Rental car - I covered the return flight home for my friend using my miles, and she covered the rental car using her travel points. No out of pocket spending.
  • Gas for the rental car - $67.52. I covered gas & a few other expenses, while my friend covered things like the park pass, etc. We flew into Salt Lake City, and Moab is quite a drive, hence the gas costs. We also drove around for various hikes.
  • Lunch at the airport when we landed - $16.86
  • Lunch for both of us at the airport before our flight home - $40.46
  • A tshirt for Nick, who normally doesn't request souvenirs, but is obsessed with Moab - $27.91
  • Various groceries = $70.42. This included a zippered cooler bag that came home with me, two bags of frozen peas (which served as our makeshift cooler for the car), extra water, a few nibbles for the room, etc. 
  • Three nights lodging, plus 3 dinners, 2 lunches, & a breakfast. Also included a free yoga class - $1000 (my half)
Total spent for the trip = $1234

This doesn't include a few things I bought for this trip, but will use on other hiking trips. I didn't track these as carefully, so some estimates
  • A 3L bladder to hold water - $30 or so
  • Hiking boots/socks - $140
  • Electrolyte water tablets - $20 (have 3/4 or so still left)
  • Hiking pants - $60
I already had plenty of workout outfits that were fine. I bought hiking pants, but didn't end up wearing them, because it was really, really warm while we were there.

Altogether, it was a totally reasonable trip & I think we did well on the cost. The hotel offered packed lunches that we purchased for both hiking days. (included: a sandwich, chips, piece of fruit, cookie & a drink for $18). The dinners were fantastic, and while the lodge was a bit more expensive than an off property restaurant, we loved the convenience of eating at the lodge after a long day of hiking. 

Do you track your travel expenses? 

1 comment:

  1. You did really well with expenses! Yes, I track expenses to a certain extent. Cindy in the South
