Monday, September 9, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

I'm out of town for most of the week, but here's the rough plan.

  • Friday - chicken fajitas (from the freezer)
  • Saturday - spaghetti & meatballs + garlic bread
  • Sunday - grilled burgers & watermelon
  • Monday - out of town. Likely leftover spaghetti & meatballs for the others
  • Tuesday - out of town. Likely leftover burgers for the others
  • Wednesday - out of town. Likely pizza for the others
  • Thursday - driving
  • Friday - TBD
What about you? What's on your menu plan this week? 


  1. My daughter is going to Atlanta for a book signing with her book club, so I'm on my own for dinner tonight. not sure what I'll make, but there is plenty to choose from.
