Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Happenings

The weekend is whizzing by. I went to a really relaxing yoga class yesterday (I need more yoga in my life, as I'm really not very flexible) & got some chores done around the house. I also made this crockpot chicken & dumplings recipe, which is always a winner. I'm the only soup eater in the house, so I had it for dinner last night, saved some for lunches this week, & then froze the rest. It will make an easy & delicious lunch on busy days.

Sam & I texted a bit more yesterday, and he's thrilled with his roommate, enjoying the food & feels like his classes will be good this year. Says he loves his calculus professor. 

Nick & I made more progress providing his academic record to one of the schools he's applying to. It's a super *fun* process where you enter every grade for every semester manually. He also has to enter middle school grades, as he took geometry & two years of Spanish in middle school, both of which are "required" high school classes for some colleges. Luckily, I requested a transcript of his middle school grades way back when Sam & I were applying last year, knowing that I would need the same for Nick. We also provided transcripts to another college, activated his accounts at a few other colleges (you use this to track your application, and each college has their own system). We have a spreadsheet keeping track of login details for each school. There's a lot of info to manage!

Nick worked at a soccer tournament yesterday to earn some extra money. He and Sam are such different creatures. Sam has spent none of the money he earned last summer, because he's still using money he earned two years ago. Nick, on the other hand, is a more prolific spender. ;-) This is a good time in his life to practice and experiment, to feel what it's like when you run out, and to understand how to better prioritize spending. 

As for today, here's what I'm up to:

  • Workout class
  • Laundry
  • Vacuum
  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchen
  • Pay Nick's physics tutor
  • Meet a friend for a walk
  • Package & mail an eBay sale
  • Make my to do list for the week ahead & review the calendar
  • List a bike on FB
What about you? What are you up to today?

1 comment:

  1. You have a busy Sunday. I'm trying to reconnect with virtual and real life friends. Today, I LL have the MN Vikings game on, SKOL, and get the laundry room ready for the repairman to hopefully fix the dryer. I do not need the expense of replacing. I'll do a light load of clothes, those that can air dry, tidy up house in general, and have book club tonight. I'll get up for a walk too, part for him, but part of my rehab as I incorporate lunges and stretch exercises in his sniffy pauses.
