Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday Things

 It's been a busy week so far, with lots happening on the college front. Nick & I have been making a ton of progress, and we are feeling good about where we are on the application side.

Yesterday, we:

  • Finalized all of his school requirements that are due in mid-September (document for teachers writing letters of recommendation, parent questionnaire, and a large school report containing major & deadlines for every college)
  • Requested SAT & AP scores to be sent to each college he's applying to. (That cost close to $500, btw. The process isn't cheap!)
  • Went through & edited his list of activities for the Common App. He has SO many activities, because that guy is crazy busy: two school sports x4 years with various awards to list, club sports x2, volunteer service & board of directors for a local organization, school activities... There was a lot to cover, and the very limited word count made this a challenge.
  • Researched major selection at most of his colleges. Need to finish the rest today. He wants to be a mechanical engineer, which is a very competitive major at most colleges. As such, he might need to have two potential majors listed for each college, and there are a lot of restrictions to research, with each school having a very different approach. 
  • We submitted the applications to two colleges which don't require essays! Woohoo! Two are submitted. It felt nice to make a tiny big of progress on that front. These are the easiest schools to apply to, and going through the process helps you learn a lot about what you need to do for the other schools, so this was a very helpful exercise.
For the rest of today:
  • Workout class
  • Meet & greet with a recruiter for a job
  • Work on a couple of other job applications
  • Clean the house
  • Figure out dinner. We were supposed to be having leftovers, but we've had a lot of guests this week, and I don't think there are enough leftovers to go around!
  • Laundry
  • Pack for hiking trip
  • Additional college application work
  • Daily chores
What about you? What are you up to this week?


  1. The college prep period is fun but trying.
    I am not trying to do things around the house for us, but am doing them for the next round of houseguests.
    Plus I really do need to go to the grocery store at some time today.

    1. Having house guests typically means that my house gets the type of deep cleaning it needs, but I avoid! ;-) Good luck! HP

  2. Applying to University here is not as difficult other than a few majors like vet, medicine, diploma nursing, law, and teaching. Even those are not quite as time consuming as what you are going through.

    God bless.

    1. Nick is actually applying to UBC, and unfortunately, it's a giant hassle for international students. In the US, most schools use a shared application process (the Common App), which has actually streamlined things quite a bit. But, for schools not on the app, and/or if you are an international applicant, it's a lot of work. (HP)

  3. If just paying for placement tests is that expen$ive now I can only imagine what a degree at a good school will cost. That's crazy money! Soon no one will be able to afford it.
    I hope he gets in wherehe wants and it works out for him.

    1. I volunteer with students who come from low income families, & the good news is that, if they know about the resources, there are a lot of waivers available to them that allow them to apply basically for free. The ones I'm helping will likely get into top tier schools for minimal money, but that's because the ones that make it into the program I volunteer for are truly exceptional students who have faced a lot of family adversity. The folks who don't make enough to qualify for waivers, but can't really afford all of the application fees are the ones who fall into the gap. It's super eye opening how much everything costs. (HP)
