Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Things

First up, for visual interest, here's a photo of the ranch we stayed at in Moab. It was SO peaceful. They had horses, and the little lodges were along the Colorado River. You could hear the sounds of the river in the evening. I loved the location. The second photo is the view at dinner from the lodge restaurant. An absolutely stunning location all around. 

It's been getting real around here, with helping Sam pack for college & Nick's college applications (first acceptance came in!) I've known for a long time that Nick will be leaving for college a year after Sam, but... it definitely feels more "real" at the moment. 

I've taken a couple of days off of working out, thanks to some blisters from my hiking socks, but I definitely need a workout today. Here's what else is on my agenda:

  • Menu plan for the week
  • Shopping list
  • Grocery store
  • Mail an eBay sale
  • Help Sam with packing
  • Laundry
  • Clean the house (it's a wreck!)
  • Book Costa Rica tour
What about you? What are you up to today?


  1. Gorgeous photos! Congratulations on Nick’s college acceptance! So happy for Sam as he gets ready for an exciting life changing adventure! Cindy in the South

    1. Thank you! It's all happening really quickly! (HP)

  2. So pretty! You go to so many amazing places!

    1. It was definitely amazing! More National Parks up next, I hope. (HP)

  3. Replies
    1. Hi there - the lodge is this one -

  4. I remember the feeling of "it's getting real". Enjoy the time as best you can, but allow yourself to feel emotional.
