Monday, September 30, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 Still adjusting to feeding three people vs four, but we did a great job last week of eating all of our prepped freezer food. The freezer is looking good & ready for me to stock it with some soup for my lunches. 

Here's what's on our menu this week

  • Friday - pizza (cauliflower crust + regular)
  • Saturday - tacos
  • Sunday - grilled chicken + rice
  • Monday- leftover tacos
  • Tuesday - leftover grilled chicken + rice
  • Wednesday - chicken yakisoba (one of the last prepped freezer meals)
  • Thursday - carnitas (the other last prepped freezer meals)
  • Friday - leftovers
What about you? Are you adjusting your menu as the weather changes? I'm the only one who eats soup, so I make it & freeze it for lunches, as I can't get my other dinner diners to join me. ;-) 

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