Monday, September 2, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 Here's what's on our menu this week:

  • Friday - out, camping
  • Saturday - leftovers (grilled chicken or tacos)
  • Sunday - M is making kebabs & rice
  • Monday - Grilled steak & caprese salad
  • Tuesday - leftover kebabs & rice
  • Wednesday - chicken yakisoba (freezer)
  • Thursday - chicken shawarma (freezer)
  • Friday - pizza
What about you? What's on your menu this week? Any recipes to share? Always looking for new options!


  1. Sounds delicious! We had tacos yesterday and will do so again today to use up the leftovers. Other than that we will have salmon, lentil loaf, and enchiladas.

    1. Enchiladas sound so good, Belinda! Unfortunately, I'm the only one in my house who really enjoys them. Sam will tolerate them, and M can't have them & Nick will not eat them. So, they are more of a restaurant food for me. Enjoy! (HP)

  2. Around 9:00 on Saturday, a friend asked me to go to a cider festival, so Sunday dinner was a Crock pot roast beef. Very unhealthy, but quite delicious, and nice to have it cooking as I enjoyed my day. Today is grilled steaks and baked potatoes. Cottage pie from leftover roast and gravy on Wednesday. From there, I have no idea. I had a request for tuna casserole so that will appear one day.. Sunday may be roast chicken. I. Am. Tired. Of. Meal. Planning. One day last week I solicited ideas from my husband and he said “I don’t know, why do you have to ask me that so often?” Without missing a beat I said “I don’t know, why do you have to eat so often?” The kid in the room when that happened said “just for that she’s going to make risotto.” (He dislikes risotto.)

    1. I'm really laughing at the exchange all around. When no one gives me ideas, I default to my favorites & the others can.... deal, shall we say. ;-) Roast chicken sounds so good. (HP)

  3. Sounds delish especially the steak. I made potato salad and coleslaw for the hamburger and hot dogs today, so just our typical 4th of July, and Labor Day end of summer meal. Watermelon and ice cream for dessert. I am always rather melancholy about Labor Day because it signifies the end of summer fun with my kids. Cindy in the South

    1. Sorry you're bummed about the end of summer. I'm always ready for cooler weather, and fall is my favorite, and always reminds me of new beginnings, for whatever reason. I love, love potato salad. No one else really eats it, well, Sam does, but he's rarely home. I almost bought some for myself, but purchased potato salad can be really hit or miss. (HP)

  4. Lots of garden produce, and trying to use up a few items that have been in the freezer for a bit.

    God bless.
