Monday, September 23, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 I need to start getting adjusted to feeding three people vs four, which will be a bit of a process I think. Sam & I were the most aligned eaters, whereas M can't eat most carbs (food allergy) & Nick eats almost entirely carbs & doesn't love things mixed together. ;-) I'm mostly kidding, as Nick eats plenty of fruit & veggies, but is pickier about his protein options. Making a menu plan will be quite an adventure! My previous approach was to choose things that Sam & I would like, that could also be adapted for the other diners. Now it seems silly to optimize for just me, so who knows! I suppose some experimentation is in order.

  • Friday - chicken marsala (from the freezer)
  • Saturday - salad with grilled chicken
  • Sunday - barbecued burgers (freezer)
  • Monday - tacos (prepped meat from the freezer)
  • Tuesday - spaghetti & meatballs + garlic bread
  • Wednesday - leftover tacos
  • Thursday - leftover spaghetti & meatballs
  • Friday - pizza (cauliflower crust for M)
What's on your menu for the week?

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