Thursday, September 19, 2024

Back from college move in

The last 48 hours have been a whirlwind. We were both up at 4 on Tuesday, getting all of the last minute stuff packed (still forgot the toothbrush charger, despite my best efforts. I'm not exactly at my peak at 4 in the morning ;)). Sam slept for the first few hours & M drove. Then they swapped & Sam drove the rest of the way. I flew to Portland, picked up all of Sam's gear at my sister's (we originally weren't sure if he was going to bring his car, and/or get a parking permit, so we had everything shipped to her) & drove to Corvallis. 

We met up at the hotel, handed off a box to one of the families that we offered to help, and had a fabulous dinner across the street from where we were staying. It was a super early night for everyone & then M & I got up in the morning to work out. Sam slept, unsurprisingly. ;-) 

We found the residential parking lot for Sam's car, and then unpacked & moved him into his dorm. Huge props to OSU. The move in process was fantastic. Lots of people to help, plenty of parking, super friendly people around, etc. We had him all unpacked & moved in before his roommate arrived. I think we brought just the right amount of stuff. We had lunch with the roommate & his parents before we took Sam to pick up a few extra supplies & then dropped Sam off for a last hug (and, tears from me). 

M & I drove back to Portland & got on a late flight home, so we would only be gone for one night from Nick. (We had a friend stay with him, and his parents kept a close eye on them.) 

I'm all bleary eyed this morning, and missing him, but Sam was so excited & happy yesterday when we left. It helped so much to see him so ready to kick off this incredible adventure. I'm thrilled for him. 

Today is going to be all about the coffee! And, working on a schedule for the rest of the college tasks for Nick. We've made good progress, but need to focus on the remaining tasks. Oh, and the house is a wreck, so some cleaning as well. 

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