Saturday, November 11, 2023

Saturday Happenings

 First off, all of the jet lag. I didn't sleep at all on the flight home (not unusual), got home around 5:45 & then hung out with everyone until around 6:45, where I went to bed. My goal was to sleep 12 hours, if at all possible. I slept until 2 am, which was non ideal. ;-) I dozed on & off & was officially up at 6, because my back was killing me. 

I'm woefully behind my preparations for the week, and my standard planning. Aside from the fact that I woke up this morning to a work crisis, and needed to resolve that for the first hour. What a special treat that was. 

Flight home was uneventful. I watched all three Pitch Perfect movies, along with the most recent James Bond movie. Read a bit, worked, & then we landed. They've added a new immigration option in SFO (may be available elsewhere in the US), where you just walk over to a camera & it scans your face. If you have Global Entry, you are immediately admitted. The same was available in the UK. This was a huge game changer, and saved at least 45 minutes when entering the UK, and probably 10 minutes when entering the US, as even the Global Entry line often has quite a queue.

I'm truly exhausted today, so hopefully I'll "wake up" a bit, and then get a few things done. Here's what's on the list.

  • Work out class. I didn't work out nearly at the intensity or duration I liked in London (jet lag, meeting timing, etc), so I need it. Despite really not feeling like it.
  • Attend Nick's soccer game.
  • Help Sam with some college application follow ups. Decide on tours.
  • Review homework with both boys.
  • Unpack
  • Laundry
  • Make a menu plan
  • Make a shopping list, M will likely go to Costco, I'll go to the local shop + Trader Joes
  • Work on my schedule for next week, which promises to be crazy, as I'm behind in all aspects of l ife
What about you? What are you up to today?


  1. Started processing pumpkins, which seemed to take forever and I have another 4 to do tomorrow. Other than that not much at all.

    God bless.

    1. I often get free pumpkins, but didn't pick up any this year, as I knew I'd be swamped ahead of my trip. Envious, as I love pumpkin bread & the stuff in the can just isn't the same.

  2. I hadn't heard of the Global Entry until now. That is good that it saves you some time. You were able to do a lot on such a long flight. I'm sure you were glad to finally get home.

    I've been decluttering my wardrobe deciding what to keep and what to give away. So many items are too big for me now, so I decided to let go of them. Not an easy decision, but it's for the best I think.

    1. Always *ever* so glad to get home!

      That's awesome that you have stuff that's too big that you can declutter. There's some sort of expression that when you let go of old stuff, it makes room for opportunities to discover new things & for them to come into your life.
