Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Eve

I don't think Thanksgiving Eve is really a thing, but it is indeed the day before (US) Thanksgiving. I'm working today, and keeping an eye on a few fires that are burning, some escalations, and a major program we are trying to launch today. I'm also attempting to prep for Monday, where I have an absolute ton of stuff to do & 14 meetings, because I leave for Tokyo on Tuesday, and will then be unavailable for west coast time zone meetings for the majority of my loooooong trip. 

We went to see Nick's 2nd varsity game last night, and he played really well. The other team was aggressive, shall we say, which is Nick's favorite kind of game. He had an assist on the game winning goal, so he was pretty pleased. We got home late, and then he was hungry, so I stayed up to make him a smoothie & do a few chores before bed.

I went to Orange Theory this morning (it's a light meeting week, as most people are out of the office, hurrah!), which was super hard & a great workout. 

I've been giving away a ton of stuff on Buy Nothing. It feels so great to get stuff out of the house! I've probably gotten 40 items out of the house in the last week or so. That always feels great. I listed a few things on eBay, and mailed one of the sales yesterday. Again, wins for getting stuff out of the house!

I've done some Christmas shopping, helped Sam find a few gifts for his girlfriend (he's going with a basket of cuddly/warm items, such as slippers, socks, a blanket, etc.). I picked up gift cards for our family's saran wrap game, and mailed those out to my mom (she's the saran ball maker, and we all contribute gift cards). 

As for the rest of the day, once I finish work, I'll be:

  • Picking up the race packets for our turkey trot 
  • Swinging into the store to get sparkling cider for happy hour tomorrow
  • Searching for my watch charger, which has gone missing
  • Laundry
  • Cleaning the fridge
  • Making dinner
If I get really motivated, I'll review some upcoming travel plans with M, and plan out the weekend ahead. I love a long weekend!

What about you? What are you up to today?


  1. Once again I have been working on small projects, and getting things cleaned up.

    God bless.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! We are having company over today, so I'm taking a short break until I need to get busy again.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy the time with your company!

  3. Our Thanksgiving is canceled today with extended family. My husband tested positive for covid yesterday. We always host so it was a huge bummer! He feels pretty much fine, so not sure of the covid protocol, but he is staying away and masking up.

    My father used to travel to Japan all the time. He would always be gone over T-day holiday, so we'd have it the week after. I've never been there, but it's on my bucket list. Safe travels next week.

    1. Hope your husband feels better! This is the first time I'll ever be staying in Japan over the weekend, so I'm planning to try & squeeze in a couple of touristy things, as I normally don't have time for that.
