Monday, January 28, 2013

The February Fitness Challenge

We're one month into the year (almost), & for me, January was all about a much needed review of our finances, & budgeting, & goal setting. Now that February is rapidly approaching, I'd like to take a similar look at my own fitness, & would love to have you along for a February Fitness Challenge.

There aren't any "rules". You define your own goals (can be eating more fruits & veggies, working out a certain number of days, drinking more water, trying yoga, whatever is on your own personal goal list), and I'll post a weekly check in linking us all up. We can cheer each other on, & I promise to do a prize or giveaway at the end. Still thinking on what might be a fun and appropriate prize!

Here are my goals for month, to get you started on your thinking:

1) Track my calories in MyFitnessPal every day, & stay within my calorie allotment 90% of the time. In February, that boils down to 25 days. It's my birthday month, so trying to be realistic.
2) Get 1,000 minutes of cardio.
3) Complete 10 strength workouts.
4) Complete 7 stretching workouts.
5) Bonus goal - attend a Pilates or Barre workout class. I have a Groupon for a local studio, but have never made it given M's travel schedule & the kids. I'd love to make this a priority.

If you're interested in joining, just leave me a comment & start thinking about your own goals. I'll kick things off with an "official" post the first few days of February. Looking forward to cheering you all on! :-)

We're just at the starting line, so to speak, so thought this photo was appropriate. :-)


  1. I'd love to join in. I really need to get back at it.

  2. I'm joining you! I've lost weight in January but it's more by luck than anything - my food tracking has been awful.

  3. Oh, I'm in. I'll start working on my goals this week!

  4. I'm in, it's Fitness February!

    1)Track calories all week, stay in range if not every day, for the week.
    2)Run 50 miles
    3)Daily PushUps, Keep up with 100 PushUps App
    4)Get weight 145-147, no more 150s!

  5. I am in! I was going that direction already, so I am in 100%.

  6. I tried a Barre 3 class in Portland in September, great workout! Wish we had one near where I live.

  7. Yeah! So glad you guys are interested. :-) I will post about it for the next few days & then have a kickoff for the challenge. :-)

  8. I'm in check out my page :)
