Friday, August 2, 2024

Frugal Friday

The boys & I are back after a whirlwind trip. There were a lot of moving parts to this trip, and everyone was sleeping somewhere different every night, it felt like. My back was not excited about a few of the sleeping options, so I got very little sleep on the trip. I went to bed at 8 pm last night, and got almost 10 hours of sleep, so I'm slowly starting to feel a bit more human!

We were at my parents house for my special needs aunt's 70th birthday, and then helping my mom move her sister to an assisted living home. Then a brief girls day where we went out for frose' (frozen rose' wine), and finally Sam & I went to his college orientation in Corvallis. We also brought home my nephew when we flew home yesterday, as he hasn't been to our house since we moved to California (11 years!) 

Saving on things we buy:
  • Used a $5 coupon for pizza we had last night, and had Nick & my nephew pick it up, saving on the delivery fee

Earning money

  • The boys are now done with work, and earned their last paycheck
Avoiding spending 
  • The boys were upgraded to first class on both segments of their flight, and my nephew was also upgraded on the flight back with us. He's 6'4", so I know he appreciated the extra leg room. 

Eating what we have
  • We haven't eaten at home in a week, but I'm prepping food for the weekend. We also did a "find things in the freezer" dinner at my sister's house, on Wednesday night. 

For others
  • Shared garden items with friends & neighbors
  • Helped my college counselor student out with a few questions
  • Upgraded my friend to first class for her flight to visit last weekend
That's it on my side. What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. Wow, it sounds like a whirlwind trip! I'm glad you were able to get a good night's sleep to recover. I love that you had a "find things in freezer" dinner at your sister's house. I think that would be fun to do, lol. :)

  2. Wow! Time flies! It is getting close
    To time for your son to leave for school ! So exciting! Best wishes for him! Cindy in the South

  3. We have been on the Oregon State campus when we visited our son's family in Portland. It is a lovely campus. I know your son is looking forward to this next step in his life. I also know what it feels like to be the mom of one who is leaving, Wishing you both well!
