Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday things

 M & I had a fun evening last night when he got home from work. We sat by the pool with a drink & discussed upcoming travel plans, and preferences for a few of our outings. We also played cards for a bit, while we waited for the teens to solidify their evening plans. No one was having dinner with us, so I went ahead & planned a dinner for two. Now, I made this mistake earlier in the week, and we ended up having four people, two of whom joined just as I was plating the food. That was a scramble. ;-) This time, there were really just two of us. I made a salad (lettuce from the garden!) & found two burger patties M had grilled a few weeks ago. I made a homemade aioli with mayo, whole grain mustard, garlic salt & sriracha. And, a bowl of chopped fresh tomatoes, with salt & pepper. It was delicious. No leftovers, which is perfect.

As for today, I'm hoping to get a chance to play pickle ball with M, but here's the rest of my to do list:

  • Work out
  • Volunteer at soccer event from 11-2
  • Help Nick with college essays. We have a few that are very close to final draft phase!
  • Stop by the grocery store for dinner items
  • Daily chores: journal, language lesson, meditate, water the plants, garden
  • Laundry
  • Start packing for the relay + trip to Portland
  • List a few more things on eBay & Buy Nothing
What about you? What are you up to today? 


  1. Replies
    1. It is so delicious! Fresh from the garden is nothing like anything you can buy. (HP)

  2. Taking it easy today as I overdid it yesterday and my back is one mass of pain.

    God bless.

    1. Hope your back is feeling better! (HP)
