Friday, August 30, 2024

Frugal Friday

 It doesn't feel like a particularly frugal week, as we are rounding out our list of supplies Sam needs for school, buying parking permits, & getting Nick his school items. But, it's always nice to look back at the week & find a few wins here & there. 

Saving on things we buy

  • Packed snacks for the flight home
  • It was not done with the intention of saving money, but a friend & I are going on a hiking trip to Moab in a week or so. We opted to fly home later in the evening on Thursday, vs Friday morning. This was largely done because we'd have to get up at 4 am on Friday morning, and who wants to do that? The flight change was free, and we'll save one (shared) hotel night, & a bit off of the rental car fee. 

Earning money

  • Sold a few things on eBay: expensive face products I received from a hotel in Japan, two pair of sunglasses, a pair of Nick's pants he outgrew before he wore, & a luggage tag. I've actually made quite a lot on eBay this month, which is a big change from the previous months.  

Avoiding spending

  • Called the dentist to ask why I was being billed a second time for an appointment Nick had. It was an error, and they credited me back the $150 charge. 

Eating what we have

  • Because I wasn't home last weekend to prep food, we're largely eating out of the freezer this week. So far, we've had tacos (two containers of prepped ground beef out of the freezer), chicken marsala, & 
  • I also made a double batch of zucchini muffins, using one of our garden zucchinis. 
  • Made lunches for Sam & his girlfriend multiple times, to save them money (teens eat out a LOT!) & used up a few things from around the house. 
  • Made smoothies to use up overly ripe bananas. 

For others

  • Helped an old coworker with a job search
  • Helped my sister with a decluttering project at her house, and listed a few things (eBay & FB Marketplace) & sold some items for her as well.
  • I was matched with another student for my volunteer college counseling, so we had a call this week as well. 
What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. A lovely and busy week! Saving money and paying it forward. I really love the volunteer college counseling program - you will meet kids from all walks of life who just need a helping hand!

  2. You did well selling on eBay this week, that's great. Back to school always had us spending more money too. Nice phone call to the dentist to get that credit back.
