Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday Happenings

 I usually have big workout plans on Saturdays (long runs, mostly), but today I think I'll go for a hike, as I start to prepare for my trip to Moab. 

We've been picking A LOT of tomatoes!

And, I've been making lunches out of: garden lettuce & tomatoes, whatever protein I have on hand (chicken shawarma for this particular lunch) & topped with my favorite sunflower seeds. 

What else am I up to today?

  • Helping Nick with college essays
  • Making a new dinner recipe (garlic noodles with beef & broccoli)
  • My daily chores, and adding in a new language lesson for a trip (more on that in an upcoming post this week!)
  • Playing pickle ball with M, if it's cool enough
  • Yard work/gardening
  • Working on trip planning for the trip above
What about you? Are you growing any garden goodies? What are you up to today?


  1. Today I pinned the binding onto a quilt and will be hand sewing it down tomorrow. I am also almost finished the first size mitts for Kurt's school. Tomorrow I should be able to start sewing them up, and once done will start on the smaller size.

    Garden is so so right now. Some things growing very well, others not so much.

    God bless.

    1. Love that you are making the mitts for the school. What will they be used for? Keeping kids warm in the winter if they forget their mitts, or something else?

      Our garden has been hit or miss as well, thanks to the critters constantly eating things. But, it looks like we finally might have more than one squash - I'm excited! (HP)
