Friday, August 23, 2024

Frugal Friday

 Not sure it's been a terribly frugal week, but here are a few wins.

Saving on things we buy

  • Went to the grocery store to pick up a few items for diners, and used a coupon to get a free loaf of bakery French bread, a $2 coupon off of ice cream (for the teens) & the weekly freebie (electrolyte water). I also submitted my receipt to Fetch, and earned $2 via iBotta. 

Earning money

  • Sold a few things on eBay: 3 packages of face cream, a freebie item I got from a store, & trail running shoes.

Avoiding spending

  • We were planning a dinner out to celebrate the "last' back to school day, but Nick ended up having an away soccer game, so Sam, M & I had dinner at home. 
  • I ordered a bunch of hiking gear (me) & new clothes (Sam), and returned everything that didn't fit. 

Eating what we have

  • Used up a package of naan bread to make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch one day for the teens. Another day I used most of a bag of chicken nuggets I bought via an iBotta sale. They are not the favorite chicken type, so I'm trying to get these out of the freezer.
  • Made Sam a smoothie using a very over ripe banana, as well as some mango from the freezer. 
  • Made a few dinners & froze all of the leftovers.
  • M made kebabs one night for dinner, using a package of prepped kebab meat in the freezer.
  • Continued to use up lots of garden items: tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, mint & basil. 

For others

  • Signed up to volunteer another high school senior, and had a call to review essays with my current match.
  • Gave away a bunch on Buy Nothing. 
What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. I had a sale on eBay this morning, which was good. Nice getting a free loaf of bread! I'm working towards a $50 Kroger gift card on Fetch and every little bit helps.

  2. Just the usual here. But I did manage yesterday to use up a few items from the garden in meals that I froze to use later.

    God bless.
