Friday, August 16, 2024

Frugal Friday

 It's been a busy week, as Nick goes back to school on Monday! Here's what we've been up to. 

Saving on things we buy

  • Nick is opting not to take the August SATs, as he's pleased with his June score. I cancelled, & received my money back, minus a cancellation fee. 
  • Treated Sam to lunch at Subway, and used a BOGO free foot long sandwich coupon and a gift card. I can get two lunches at of a foot long. For Sam, that's just one meal. ;-) 
  • Speaking of Subway, went through & combined all of our gift cards into one (it's a hassle in the app to have gift cards with not enough balance to cover a transaction) & got everything cleaned up, plus got a clear view of how much money we have on the gift cards. 
  • Made a stop at the grocery store, and picked up sparkling water that had both an iBotta & Fetch offer. This rarely happens, and the grocery store was having a BOGO offer for the same brand, so it worked out well & saved ~$8. 
  • I also bought Nick's two Christmas gifts at the local sporting goods store, as they were having 50% off camping gear, and that was his entire Christmas list. ;-) We got a really nice tent and sleeping bag. 

Earning money

  • Signed up to volunteer with soccer club uniform distribution, which saves $100 off of club dues. We are "required" to do 3 hours of volunteering, and when we complete our volunteer hours, we get the credit off of our fees. 
  • Sometimes it takes a while for Rakuten to feel like it pays off, but earned $71 in a payout, thanks to a few purchases that paid a high percentage (running shoes, if I recall one). 
  • Sold two pair of Nick's tennis shorts on eBay for ~$20

Avoiding spending

  • We finally figured out what we are doing with our United credits! We'd love to do a family trip to see M's family, but with Nick & Sam having highly varied spring breaks & overall schedules, that's not possible before the credits expire. Instead, M & I are going to Spain! This is best categorized as "how to not let a huge sum of United vouchers expire." I'll post more on this trip, as we will also be trying to use hotel points to offset a bunch of the remaining cost. 

Eating what we have

  • I've been working through a few freezer items, and was able to use up all of the bag of small wontons & a bag of coconut shrimp for dinner last week. I also used 3 ciabatta buns.
  • Continued to feed people leftovers, expand and contract meals to accommodate anywhere from 3-6 diners at any given night (with, almost no notice). Cut up fruit, caprese salad (tomatoes & basil from the garden) & garlic bread are my on hand additions I can always add, if I don't have as much of the main course. 

For others

  • Donated books to the library sale
  • Volunteered at Nick's high school orientation
  • Volunteered with college assistance program
What about you? Any frugal wins to share?


  1. A trip to Spain sounds wonderful, I hope you all have a great time when you do travel there. That's great to have the Subway gift cards all on one card now. That was a good deal on the sparkling water. Those kinds of deals are far and few between these days.

    1. I agree - the deals are few & far between and take much longer to find! (HP)

  2. We loved our trip to Spain (combined a side trip to Portugal as well). Good way to use up those travel points.

    God bless.

    1. We really wanted to add in Portugal, but it will have to be a separate trip. We have my parents flying in to watch Nick, and don't want to be gone too long. They are so generous to come 2x in a 6 months, as we are also going to Costa Rica. Soon, we will be able to do longer trips, as both boys will be in college! Can't believe that. (HP)
