Friday, August 9, 2024

Frugal Friday

 It's nice to have a week back at home, and certainly makes it easier to make good choices. Here's what we've been up to this week!

Saving on things we buy

  • When we were in Oregon last week, I changed my rental car to one day shorter, and accepted the smaller rental car (they were sold out of the car I'd selected), which together saved almost half of the cost of the rental car. Brought it down from $180 to $105. 

Earning money

  • After a long hiatus, listed a few things on eBay. 
  • I always find I sell more on eBay after I post new things, so sold three sports bras & made $18
  • Alarm clock that I listed (first bullet) sold for $100! I was thrilled. 

Avoiding spending

  • M received an award that included points for shopping at an online portal. We almost forgot about it, but luckily, I remembered before it expired. He had a good amount (roughly equivalent to $1k), so we bought a Christmas gift, a piece of luggage he's been wanting, & then we had an awkward amount left, so we bought some cute tapas Le Crueset dishes. The award included taxes & shipping & handling, so it was truly zero dollars out of pocket. 
  • Noticed I was charged for a subscription that we no longer need for Nick's tennis, so cancelled that & received a $130 refund. 

Eating what we have

  • Our cucumbers are finally ripe, and Nick is LOVING the fresh garden cucumbers. Cucumbers are his favorite food, as I wrote about a few weeks ago on our most common grocery splurge post. 
  • We are also eating plenty of garden tomatoes, the handful of strawberries, peppers & herbs. 
  • I'm consistently making my lunches out of garden lettuce, tomatoes & anything else that's ripe, then topping with leftover protein.
  • We did a good job of eating leftovers this week
  • Made banana muffins, out of overly ripe freezer bananas

For others

  • Had a call with the student I'm mentoring
  • Gave away all of Sam's old clothes to a neighbor
  • Gave away a bunch of other items via Buy Nothing
  • Went through & edited essay prompts for the student I'm mentoring
What about you? Any wins to share?


  1. So many great wins this week! That eBay sale was awesome! As was M's award voucher! I remembered I had one of those, too, a few weeks ago. It's tied to our bank card. It was enough for me to get an Apple gift card and have some points left over to save up for something else. I love those little rewards!

    1. The three items we ordered with the award voucher have arrived, and are as expected. I had low expectations until everything came & was what we wanted. You never know with "free" things! Nice work finding the Apple gift card. It's always fun to have a little splurge (HP)

  2. Lots of frugal wins this week. You did very well.

    God bless.
