Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday things

 Sam's friends have started to trickle off to college, so things are getting pretty real for him! Nick & his friends are frantically trying to soak up as much time together as possible before school starts again on Monday. There have been: beach trips to Santa Cruz with the girlfriends, golfing in Half Moon Bay, fishing trips, golfing at every local course that participates in the discounted youth membership, and...doing chores with Mom. Everyone is thrilled about that last one. ;-)

Sam has also been training for the relay that's coming up in a week & a half. I bought a companion fare (before I canceled my Alaska Air credit card) for myself & Sam, as I was also planning to do the relay. There was no way for me to cancel my part of the flight without canceling Sam's, so I opted to still go next weekend. My mom is also really struggling, as she helps her sister adjust to an assisted living situation, so I'm planning to spend some time with her, which she's excited about. 

I met a friend for lunch yesterday, and barely ate because I was so excited to hold her squishy new baby (4 months old). Oh my, holding a baby is so adorable. She was in fine form, and looking around, playing with my hair, and just generally cracking me up. 

I'm heading to a workout class today, and then volunteering at Nick's school this afternoon for orientation. He tried to convince me to volunteer when the lower classmen would be there, but I'm excited to see his friends. He was ... less excited. ;-) 

Our hibiscus plant is so beautiful right now! It only puts out one flower at a time, but the one it does put out is stunning. 

As for the rest of the day, here's my list of activities:
  1. Gym class
  2. A walk (gym class is strength focused, so I always try to get in some steps to hit my 12k/day goal)
  3. Sort out dinner for unknown number of folks (it's a mystery who will turn up every day)
  4. Daily chores: language lesson, meditate, journal, garden, water plants
  5. Budgeting/bills
  6. Apply for some jobs
  7. Laundry
  8. Volunteer at Nick's school
What about you? What are you up to today?


  1. I am going to enjoy these overcast, slow summer days at home before Daughter heads back to college. She, Girl and I have a few hikes planned. Two weeks she takes off. It's an overnight flight to Philly. I agreed to let her friend go with her. They'll spend a couple of days together in Philly, moving in and having fun in before saying goodbye. Youngest drew the straw to drive them to the airport. And by drew the straw I mean I said "Hey don't plan anything, because you're on airport duty this go around." Fortunately, he, Daughter and Girl get along beautifully...always have. He's also bringing one of Having HIS lifetime friends, one of my Cherished Neighbor's boys with him for the drop off.

  2. I am praying for a good rain over the next little while. We really need one as things are very dry. Other then that I have been picking herbs, tomatoes, and working around the house.

    God bless.
