Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wednesday Happenings

 It's a pretty quiet day here, which is much appreciated after a whirlwind July. The boys are not working (camp ended the last week in July), but have plenty of other things to keep them busy. Sam is spending lots of time with his girlfriend before they both start college, as well as a bunch of college prep activities. Nick is living his best life, golfing & fishing with friends, and working on college applications. Club soccer starts this weekend! 

Here's what's on the to do list for today:

  • Daily chores (journal, meditate, Farsi lesson)
  • Workout class
  • PT exercises
  • Bonus walk (depending on the weather)
  • Work in the garden + water plants
  • Have a call with the student I'm mentoring
  • Run to a couple of grocery stores
  • Package & mail an eBay sale
  • Make muffins
  • Go through eBay & Buy Nothing items
  • Fill out monthly report for volunteer activities
  • Dinner prep
What about you? What's on your agenda for today? I've been watching clips of the Olympics in the evening, & it's so fun & inspiring!


  1. Watching bits of the Olympics while working on projects now that family visitors have left. It is nice to have my house to ourselves once again.

    God bless.

    1. This is what we were up to as well. I've loved track & field this week. As a "runner", seeing what these folks can do on the track is absolutely awe inspiring. (HP)

  2. I am glad Nick is living his best life! From my experiences with our sons the summer between Jr. and Sr. year is the best year for doing whatever you really want to do.
    Most kids can drive where they want to go, or have friends who can take them so they aren't parent dependent, but they still have a youthful exuberance and aren't ashamed to just be kids.

    1. He is so living his best life, and totally agree. He can drive, has friends who can be out quite a bit, and they still have a lot of fun. (HP)
