Friday, September 20, 2024

Frugal Friday


Saving on things we buy

  • Used a few sale coupons for items at the grocery store, and picked up the Friday Freebie protein bar, which Nick finished off before we got home from the store. Earned $5.30 from Fetch & another $1 from iBotta.
  • Picked up road trip snacks for M & Sam, as well as OTC medicine at CVS. Used rewards, and uploaded my receipts to iBotta & Fetch. Additionally, used my monthly CVS credit. 

Earning money

  • Had enough Fetch points to cash in for a $25 Amazon gift card.
  • Sold a tank top & pair of shoes on eBay.

Avoiding spending

  • At Sam's request, he really wanted his Thanksgiving flight booked before he left for college (so he can see his girlfriend), so I got that booked. I was able to use up a flight credit from some cancelled flight of yore, as well as a gift card to cover the very expensive cost. 
  • Received two free snack boxes on the flights. Brought home the snacks from the second box, as neither of us were hungry. 
  • We didn't need a couple of items that we bought for Sam's college move in, so I brought them home in case we need them for Nick. 

Eating what we have

  • I've been making lunches for the teens, to use up on hand items & ensure nothing goes to waste.
  • We've also had plenty of lettuce, herbs & peppers from the garden, as well as a big resurgence of tomatoes. We have *a lot* of tomatoes!
  • Brought home leftovers for our Sunday night dinner out (Sam's choice for our last family Sunday dinner for a while). Ate those for lunch one day. 
  • Stretched leftover egg roll in a bowl by adding another package of coleslaw mix on the second go round. I also prefer to make it this way, as the cabbage is much better when not reheated a second time. 
  • Found a breakfast sandwich in the freezer (Sam's favorites), after he'd left for college, so had that for breakfast one morning.
  • Ate leftovers for lunch, and had some eclectic meals. :-) Cleaned the fridge so I could see exactly what was available.
  • Pulled chicken marsala out of the freezer, and had that for 2 dinners. 

For others

  • Helped two other parents get supplies for their students to college. We were driving & had extra room in our car, so our posted on our family alias & had plenty of folks who wanted to take us up on my offer, as they were flying. It was nice to be able to help out & save them an extra checked bag or the postage required to mail. 
What about you? Any wins to share? 

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