Friday, July 7, 2017

Frugal Friday

Well, vacation is over & the chaos of life is back. ;-) Although we really enjoyed our vacation, we did try to make frugal choices where possible. Here are a few of our frugal wins for the past week:

  • I got up super early on our last day (not by design, but took advantage of it, as I was already up) & did all of the laundry/sheets before we left. This saves $15 from our cleaning service.
  • Packed up all remaining groceries (there was so little - we did a great job planning) & sent the extras with my sister/mom, & used the final bits & bobs for our remaining few meals.
  • Packed lunch to eat in the car on the way to the airport.
  • Brought home the last few items that would travel (a couple of apples, kiwi, a cucumber, and pears)
  • Gave feedback to the rental car company that the "overdue service" light was on for the entire trip, and got a credit for one day's worth of rental - $34. 
  • Avoided eating out on our vacation, with a few very small exceptions. Had lunch at the Costco food court while buying our groceries ($11), and M & I each had a beer at the airport for $12 total. 
  • We came home to an empty house, and I heated up a frozen pizza while M went to the store. It was tempting to pick something up, but we made it work.
  • Took an Uber back to M's office, which was about half the price as it would have been to our house. This was less about frugality, as M left a bit early last week & was in the office, but ended up being a cost saver. 

That's it from our end. What about you? Any frugal wins to report? 


  1. I am seriously impressed with your victories, especially the food savings (both money from not eating out and also having little remaining food). Thrift and travel are often not mentioned in the same sentence. Well done!

  2. You did great-particularly packing a lunch for the way to the airport, and nabbing a frozen pizza when you probably just wanted to crash!
