Sunday, June 16, 2024


If you've never seen a pomegranate tree before, they have gorgeous blossoms in the spring, and over the summer, the fruit starts to develop. They are ready to pick around Thanksgiving time. Looking at the tree today reminded me that all of the blossoms are maturing at slightly different rates...each on their own time table. It was a nice reminder, especially for me, as I'm always looking for predictability & uniformity in life, which, as we all know, is often not the case!

Are you a fan of pomegranates? I have minimal patience for getting the arils out of the fruit, but absolutely love them, as do the boys. 


  1. Wow.. so beautiful. I saw them once in Egypt.

  2. Couldn’t agree more. Love our trees. Last year we got panted a banana. 🍌 tell been fun watched g it grow

  3. I love pomegranates. I use them in salads during the holidays! .

  4. I absolutely love pomegranates! I am so jealous of all of the amazing fruit that can grow out where you live! I have wished a million times I could have a pomegranate tree because they are so expensive in the stores now.
